Eating tender buds in early spring to clear the liver and reduce fire


In spring, all things revive and spring is full of vitality. The body's yang energy also recovers and rises in spring, which is a good time to regulate the body. Spring food should be light and easy to digest, and eat more green leafy vegetables and beans. There is a folk custom of "eating sprouts in spring". At this time, the "sprouts" are fresh, tender, and delicious, promoting the growth of yang energy. For example, yellow green bean sprouts, pea sprouts, pumpkin sprouts, leeks, garlic sprouts, asparagus, spring shoots, Chinese toon sprouts, etc. are all good choices. In various regions, there are also mulberry leaves, goji berry sprouts, peanut sprouts, etc. Recommended Soup: Fresh Mulberry Sprout and Rolling Egg Soup. Main Benefits: Clear liver and clear liver, dispel wind and clear lung. Recommended Reason: Spring Soup Ingredients: 500g of fresh mulberry sprouts, 2 eggs, 1 salted egg white, 2 slices of ginger, and 10 goji berries (2-3 person doses). Preparation method: Wash tender and fresh mulberry sprouts, set aside. Break the eggs into liquid. Add ginger slices and 2000ml of water to the pot, add mulberry sprouts and simmer for about 10 minutes. Add egg mixture and salted egg white, and finally sprinkle some goji berries to garnish (because salted egg white is added, no more salt is added). If you want the soup to taste more salty and fresh, you can also cut a few slices of ham according to your preference and add them to the soup. Soup review: Mulberry sprouts are the buds of mulberry leaves, which are the most tender mulberry leaves on the branches. Mulberry leaves can clear the lungs and liver, dispel wind and clear heat. Many famous traditional Chinese medicine practitioners believe that when the dosage of mulberry leaves is low, they can clear the lungs, while when used frequently, they can calm and clear the liver. If it is used to treat lung diseases such as cough, sore throat, and yellow phlegm caused by the feeling of wind and heat evil energy, a small amount of mulberry leaves can be used, but if it is used to calm the liver and clear the liver, it should be used twice. Although this soup is made with fresh ingredients, the amount of water used as a spring seasonal soup should still be increased. This way, the tender mulberry sprouts can not only be consumed as dark vegetables, but also have the effect of calming and purging the liver. In addition, modern times also use mulberry leaves to assist in lowering blood sugar, blood lipids, and blood pressure, and the dosage should be larger. Main efficacy of goji berry leaf and pig liver soup: clearing liver and improving eyesight. Recommended audience: spring tonifying ingredients: about 200g of goji berry leaves, 150g of pig liver, 3 slices of ginger, salt, cooking wine, raw powder, and oil in moderation (2-3 people). Production method: After washing the pig liver, soak it for half an hour, then slice it. After slicing, marinate it with cooking wine, cornstarch, and salt appropriately. Take off the leaves of goji berries, wash and set aside. Heat a small amount of oil in a hot pot, stir fry ginger slices until fragrant, add pork liver and stir fry. Pour in an appropriate amount of boiling water, bring to a boil, then add goji berries and roll for a while. Season with salt. Soup review: Goji berry leaf pig liver soup, can be said to be a classic soup, I believe many people will drink it once or twice in spring. The soup residue of the prepared goji berry leaf pig liver soup can also be used for cooking, killing two birds with one stone. Goji berry leaves and goji berry seeds both have the effect of tonifying deficiency and benefiting the kidneys, but goji berry leaves also have a slight heat clearing effect while tonifying. Combined with pig liver, it can benefit the liver and brighten the eyes. This soup that nourishes both the liver and kidneys, and also clears heat and brightens the eyes, has a very good taste and is easy to make. No wonder it has become a classic daily soup for families. (Lai Xin She)

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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