Did you choose the right three types of Niuhuang detoxification pills to relieve fire


The dry weather and dry food, combined with the dietary habits of big fish and meat, thick oil and red sauce, are more likely to cause sores in the mouth and tongue, as well as swelling and pain in the throat. At this time, Niuhuang Jiedu Pill has become a necessary fire laxative for many people in winter. However, what are the differences between these different "prefix" Niuhuang Detoxifying Pills on the market, such as Beijing made Niuhuang Detoxifying Pills, Niuhuang Detoxifying Pills, Kangshi Niuhuang Detoxifying Pills... and how should we choose them? Don't worry, the pharmacist will analyze their temperament and help you prescribe the right medicine. The recipe has different effects. Xiao Wang had Sichuan style hot pot with friends a few days ago, and his appetite opened up. The next day, not only was my throat red, swollen, and painful, but I also developed oral ulcers. Coincidentally, there is a box of Kangshi Niuhuang Detoxification Pills in the small medicine box at home. Seeing that the main symptoms include sores in the mouth and nose, as well as sore throat, I asked the doctor if this medicine could be taken. In fact, Xiao Wang's excessive intake of spicy food and improper diet caused a strong internal fire in his spleen and stomach, which led to symptoms of sore throat and mouth ulcers. Symptomatic treatment should include taking Niuhuang Jiedu Pills. There are three types of Niuhuang Detoxification Pills on the market: Niuhuang Detoxification Pills, Beijing made Niuhuang Detoxification Pills, and Kangshi Niuhuang Detoxification Pills. Although their names all have the words "Niuhuang Jiedu Wan", and the treatment symptoms include sores in the mouth, nose, and throat, there are still differences in their clinical applications. It is necessary to treat them according to the symptoms in order to achieve satisfactory results. How to use medication correctly? Let's continue to look below... Niuhuang Jiedu Pill Formula: Niuhuang Jiedu Pill consists of 8 ingredients: artificial Niuhuang, realgar, gypsum, rhubarb, Scutellaria baicalensis, Platycodon grandiflorus, borneol, and licorice. Effect: The artificial bovine yellow in the formula has a sweet and cool taste, and can clear heat and detoxify. Gypsum has a sweet and cold taste, which can clear heat, relieve fire, and relieve restlessness. Scutellaria baicalensis has a bitter taste and a cold nature, which can clear heat, dry dampness, and detoxify by purging fire. Rhubarb has a bitter taste and a cold settling effect. It can clear heat, clear fire, and relieve accumulation. Realgar and borneol can clear heat and detoxify, reduce swelling and relieve pain. Platycodon promotes lung and throat health. Licorice has a sweet and mild taste, can clear heat, detoxify, and harmonize various medicines. Indications: The combination of various medicines is used to treat swelling and pain in the throat, gums, mouth and tongue, and eyes caused by excessive fire and heat. Clinically, it is commonly used in cases where the internal fire of the spleen and stomach in the middle energizer attacks the head and face, such as recurrent oral ulcers caused by excessive stomach fire, gum redness, swelling, pain, and throat obstruction caused by excessive fire in the three energizers. Kangshi Niuhuang Jiedu Pill Recipe: Kangshi Niuhuang Jiedu Pill is composed of 17 herbs, including white peony, Fangfeng, yam, cinnamon, cinnabar, menthol, hooked vine, clove, and artificial musk, in addition to Niuhuang Jiedu Pill. Effect: The combination of Niuhuang Jiedu Pills has a heat clearing and detoxifying effect. Paired with white peony and hooked vine, it has a slightly cold nature and can nourish blood, soften the liver, relieve pain, and suppress liver yang. Gouteng has the properties of cooling, calming the wind, calming the shock, clearing heat, and calming the liver. Together with heat clearing and detoxifying drugs, it has the effect of clearing liver and lung meridians and accumulating heat. Adding anti wind, anti wind, pain and itching, artificial musk to promote blood circulation, reduce swelling and pain, and menthol to cool, relieve itching and relieve wind, the combination of the three drugs has a stronger anti wind, pain and itching effect. Vermilion sand enhances detoxification ability in treating oral ulcers, sore throat, and swelling. Yam has a mild nature, benefiting the lungs in the upper part, nourishing the spleen and stomach in the middle, and tonifying the kidneys in the lower part. Cloves and cinnamon seeds are warm in the middle, and the three herbs are used together to prevent multiple cold, cool, and heat clearing medicines from damaging the spleen and stomach. Cinnamon seeds also relieve pain. Indications: It can be seen that this product is effective in treating liver and lung heat accumulation, wind and fire

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou


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