How to prevent student bullying?


March 25th is the 29th National Day of Safety Education for Primary and Secondary School Students, and the following week also marks the start of the National Week of Safety Education for Primary and Secondary School Students. In this year's safety education week, in addition to regular fire safety and traffic safety education, the Ministry of Education also emphasized the need to "widely carry out prevention and control of campus violence and student bullying". This has been mentioned by the Ministry of Education in the safety education week for two consecutive years. Recently, some places and schools have also introduced specific measures and methods to prevent student bullying. News 1+1: Connecting with Tong Xiaojun, former director of the Youth and Children's Research Center at the University of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, to jointly focus on: How to prevent student bullying? How can schools first address the issue of "being informed" in preventing and controlling campus bullying? Tong Xiaojun, former director of the Center for Children and Adolescents at the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences: Through the establishment of a bullying prevention mailbox in a primary school in Zhejiang, we can see that our education system has become increasingly meticulous in understanding the phenomenon of campus bullying and has found some feasible solutions. This mailbox is actually designed to deal with situations where children are hesitant to speak. But in fact, there is another important reason behind "not daring to say", which is that one may not be able to judge whether it belongs to bullying behavior, so the intervention given is not timely or effective, allowing the bully to escalate their bullying behavior. So if we want to truly "know", we must have someone who can truly understand what bullying is, and be able to clearly define it through questioning, investigation, and observation of students. Preventing and controlling student bullying is not only the responsibility of schools, but also the responsibility of schools. Tong Xiaojun, former director of the Center for Children and Adolescents at the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said: Campus bullying manifests among students, but the problem is that its causes involve not only the family but also society, the entire education system, as well as some of the characteristics and experiences of children themselves. Therefore, if we want to effectively manage it, everyone should be responsible. That is to say, the issue of campus bullying is a matter of protecting minors, and the protection of minors is actually the responsibility of all adults, including minors themselves who need to gradually learn how to handle the problem on their own. Under the premise that everyone has a responsibility, there are several main responsibility systems: family first responsibility, and for anything related to children, the family must be the first responsibility. Important responsible persons - including all professionals related to youth and children's work. Teachers, pediatricians, juvenile court staff, juvenile police officers, and even full-time personnel facing children, such as nannies, are all important responsible persons. Basic responsible person - everyone in society, regardless of whether you have children or whether your children are adults, as long as you are an adult in this society, you have a responsibility to protect all minors. Behind the measures taken by the school, there is a need for a more comprehensive system and mechanism for preventing and controlling campus bullying. Tong Xiaojun, former director of the Youth and Children's Research Center at the University of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, first and foremost affirms that the school's clear attitude towards managing student bullying and providing children with a "me, you don't have to be afraid" message transmission is very important

Edit:Liangyongqing    Responsible editor:Liyi


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