Let the People Live a Better Life - Part Four of the 2024 Government Work Report Series Commentary


Everything is leisurely, and people's livelihood is great. Adhering to ensuring and improving people's livelihoods in development, and continuously realizing the people's aspirations for a better life, is a long-term task. "Effectively ensuring and improving people's livelihoods, strengthening and innovating social governance." Recently, the government work report clearly stated in the introduction of this year's government work tasks that we must "adhere to the development concept centered on the people, fulfill our basic and bottom line responsibilities, and take more measures that benefit people's livelihoods and warm their hearts.". Focusing on the concerns of the masses, implementing precise policies, and making comprehensive efforts can continuously enhance their sense of gain, happiness, and security. Over the past year, the quality of ensuring people's livelihoods has been full of vitality. 12.44 million new urban jobs were created; Consumer prices for residents increased by 0.2%; The per capita disposable income of residents increased by 6.1%, and the income gap between urban and rural residents continued to narrow; Raise the special additional deduction standards for personal income tax for the elderly and the young, benefiting over 66 million taxpayers; Strengthening the renovation of old urban communities and the supply of affordable housing, benefiting millions of families... A series of measures that think of the people and act on their orders, transforming the achievements of development into the quality of life of the people. Against the backdrop of multiple difficulties and challenges intertwined, efforts have been made to ensure people's livelihoods and promote the development of social undertakings, and the achievements have been commendable and remarkable. Continuously ensuring and improving people's livelihoods, key tasks must be clear. Employment is related to the livelihoods of thousands of households and is the most basic livelihood. This year, prioritizing employment and taking multiple measures to stabilize employment and promote growth remain important aspects. Especially, we need to increase the strength of special policies to promote employment, strengthen support for industries and enterprises with large employment capacity, and strengthen policies and measures to promote youth employment. Continuously promoting high-quality and full employment, providing everyone with the opportunity to achieve self-development through diligent labor, and lifting the stable happiness of the masses. The social security system is a safety net for people's lives and a stabilizer for social operation. The government work report proposes to strengthen social security and services. The minimum monthly standard for basic pension for urban and rural residents has been raised by 20 yuan. We will continue to increase the basic pension for retirees, increase the supply of childcare services through multiple channels, and increase efforts to fill the gaps in rural elderly care services. Starting from reality, starting from the shortcomings, and starting from demand, we will effectively strengthen the safety net of ensuring people's livelihoods, making the guarantee more precise and warm. The achievements of modernization construction will benefit the general public more and more fairly. Effectively ensuring and improving people's livelihoods, strengthening and innovating social governance, every task needs to be done well, and every list needs to be implemented. For example, improving the capacity of medical and health services, promoting the coordinated development and governance of medical insurance, medical care, and medicine, implementing and improving settlement for medical treatment in different regions, promoting mutual recognition of inspection and testing results, and expanding the types of drugs used for chronic and common diseases in grassroots medical and health institutions; For example, enriching the spiritual and cultural life of the people, deepening reading activities for the whole nation, innovating the implementation of cultural welfare projects, and improving the level of free opening services for public cultural venues; For example, maintaining national security and social stability, improving the level of public safety governance, enhancing emergency response capabilities, and strengthening overall social security prevention and control. The upbringing and education of children, the employment and success of young people, and the medical care and elderly care of the elderly are all matters of common concern to everyone. We must work together to do these things well

Edit:Luo yu    Responsible editor:Wang xiao jing


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