Spreading ice and snow sports seeds on campus (warm news and hot reviews)


[Keywords] Ice and snow sports entering the campus [Event] In Urumqi County, Xinjiang, Shuixigou Middle School has been conducting ice and snow sports teaching for more than 20 years. Entering the campus, the playground runway has become an ice track, and the football field has become an ice rink. Children of different grades learn courses such as speed skating, ice hockey, and figure skating under the guidance of teachers. "Skating faster and faster, and becoming less and less afraid." "The few of us who play ice hockey together, our relationship is not just good."... With the blue sky as the backdrop and the snow capped mountains as the scenery, students feel the joy of ice and snow sports in the classroom. 56 primary and secondary schools and 7 universities have offered ice and snow themed physical education courses, with 46000 students participating. 93 schools have been rated as "National Youth Campus Ice and Snow Sports Characteristic Schools"... Over the years, Xinjiang has continued to promote and popularize ice and snow sports, relying on abundant ice and snow resources and suitable climate conditions. A group of schools with conditions have actively carried out ice and snow sports courses and practical activities on snow and ice, sowing ice and snow sports seeds on campus. The characteristic teaching of ice and snow projects at Shuixigou Middle School has vividly annotated the promotion and popularization of ice and snow sports on campus in Xinjiang. The youth group is an important force in driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports. Promoting ice and snow sports among young people cannot do without the fertile soil of the campus. For schools, ice and snow sports entering the campus can enrich campus sports activities and activate campus sports culture. For students, participating in ice and snow sports can not only learn sports skills and enjoy sports fun, but also hone their willpower to challenge themselves and overcome difficulties. To promote ice and snow sports on campus, it is necessary to tailor teaching to individual needs and combine popular teaching with progressive training. As a nine-year consistent school, Shuixigou Middle School offers ice and snow courses in different subjects according to the abilities and needs of students of different ages. In the first year, students learn ice and plow lessons, in the second year, they enter the beginner's speed skating class, and in the fourth year, they select professional speed skating trainers. After two to three years of training in the speed skating team, students can choose to stay in the team or join the ice skating team or figure skating team. A rich and well-designed teaching system can widely mobilize the enthusiasm of students and help them lay a solid professional foundation. Currently, there is a high level of enthusiasm among primary and secondary schools in various regions to promote ice and snow sports. But it should also be noted that ice and snow sports require high natural conditions and infrastructure. Promoting ice and snow sports on campus must be tailored to local conditions and times. In Beijing, Shijia Elementary School has created courses for students on roller skating and dry skiing; In Heilongjiang Province, students from the "Eight Women Heroes and Cold Clouds" Red Army Primary School in Huachuan County gathered snow in the central area of the playground and built a snowy football field with a creaking sound; In Shanghai, Yangtai Experimental High School helps students understand the rules of ice and snow sports by carrying out land curling activities. Practice has shown that actively applying the achievements of dry land improvement in ice and snow sports and skillfully using various teaching methods can help lower the threshold for ice and snow sports, stimulate the interest and enthusiasm of young people to participate in ice and snow sports. At the same time, primary and secondary schools should also leverage external forces to fully leverage the role of social forces in professional teaching, participation in competitions, and other aspects, in order to provide more opportunities for children to deeply participate and provide a healthy "ecosystem" for the "good seedlings" of ice and snow sports. Teenagers

Edit:Luo yu    Responsible editor:Wang xiao jing


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