Three major "crispy skin" symptoms in young people: decreased memory, poor mood, and weakened immunity


Recently, "crispy youth" and "crispy college students" have become new labels for some young people. I yawned and dislocated, fell and broke a bone, changed clothes and twisted to my waist... Many netizens shared their "fragile skin" experiences, which, while self deprecating, sounded the alarm for young people's physical health. Last week, the Social Survey Center of China Youth Daily conducted a survey on 1333 young people in collaboration with the questionnaire website, which showed that 63.0% of the surveyed youth felt that they were in a sub healthy state, and the proportion of office workers was higher than that of college students. 91.1% of the surveyed youth support the comprehensive promotion of health education during the campus period. "Today is here, tomorrow is there, and suddenly I feel uncomfortable." Zhang Aining, born in 1995, works in a third tier city, but she feels that she is not as relaxed and carefree as the "small town youth" in people's minds, but rather has a lot of pressure. After work every day, Zhang Aining feels weak, difficult to fall asleep at night, and very tired during the day. Recently, a physical examination revealed multiple nodules and high levels of uric acid in her body. As soon as the season changes, her body will have some minor problems. I have a rash, swollen and painful gums... Today is here, tomorrow is there, and suddenly I feel uncomfortable. Zhang Aining sighed that even minor illnesses can be quite torturous, making her always in a bad mood. "According to traditional Chinese medicine, I have weak heart, liver, kidney, qi and blood, and heavy dampness." Zhou Renguang, who has been working for more than a year, self deprecates himself as a "crispy skinned worker." This year's medical examination results show that he also has nodules. Zhou Renguang felt that, especially after the "yang" had passed twice, his immune system had significantly decreased and his physical condition had deteriorated. "Now, when the pressure is high, he will have acne, sore throat, and occasionally cough.". A survey shows that among various health problems faced by young people, memory decline (43.4%) ranks first, followed by poor mood and instability (42.2%), and weakened immunity (41.9%) ranks third. Other issues include poor sleep quality (38.7%), decreased vision/dry eyes (38.0%), hair loss (34.4%), poor skin condition (27.5%), oral problems (toothache/periodontitis, etc.) (23.6%), and body problems (obesity/weight loss). Regarding this set of data, Liu Jinying, Director of the Nutrition Department of Shenzhen Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Cancer Hospital and Registered Nutritionist of the Chinese Nutrition Society, analyzed that the top three health issues can reflect the unhealthy lifestyle of young people nowadays. She introduced that many physical problems are interrelated and interact with each other. "For example, staying up late often can lead to poor sleep quality, disrupted biological clock, decreased memory, and affect emotions. Long term nutritional imbalance can also cause metabolic disorders in the body, leading to weakened immunity and memory. In addition, staying indoors for a long time without exposure to the sun can also affect emotions, and sleep quality can deteriorate. These are all chain reactions. The term" crispy skin "is popular on the internet, indicating that young people's sub-health is more common. Zhou Xin, a college student born in the 2000s, has irregular daily routines, often stays up late, and the next day has no class time to" solve breakfast and lunch together ". The whole person is often in a state of fatigue and weakness, and learning efficiency is very low.". After a period of time, he found that he had a bit of hair loss.

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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