Can eating acid relieve anxiety? Be careful not to disturb the functions of the five internal organs


If we talk about the biggest problem for contemporary adults, the only one that can be compared to "poverty and hair loss" is probably "what to eat today". Diet is not only a necessary means of eating, but also an effective way to maintain health. There are many popular sayings about diet, such as drinking Congee to nourish the stomach, eating red dates to supplement iron, etc. A while ago, there was a very popular topic on Weibo, "Anxious people can eat more sour food," and the comment section exploded with many statements from "health experts". Can eating sour food really alleviate anxiety? Doctor's reminder: Relying solely on acid to relieve anxiety is not very reliable. Excessive acid consumption may lead to imbalance in the functions of the five organs. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, it is not advisable to eat sour foods for these anxieties. The cause of anxiety may be excessive heart fire, liver qi stagnation, or insufficient kidney qi. To alleviate anxiety, dialectical treatment is needed, such as anxiety caused by excessive heart fire or insufficient kidney qi, which should not be eaten sour foods. The human body is an interconnected whole, and if one or several flavors are indulged in for a long time, the functions of the five organs will lose balance. The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon records that "the taste is too sour, and the liver qi relies on saliva, resulting in a complete stagnation of the spleen." Excessive consumption of acid can have a negative impact on liver and spleen function, and may also lead to digestive system diseases. It is worth mentioning that everyone's taste preferences are usually fixed. If there is a sudden change, such as not liking to eat sour before, but suddenly liking to eat sour now, it may be a health problem in the body, and timely medical attention should be sought to eliminate the disease. Chinese medicine believes that there are five flavors of "sour" in diet, which are "spicy, sweet, sour, bitter, and salty". The five flavors are divided into the five organs, and food can nourish the five organs through the transportation of the spleen and stomach. Acid is the main astringent factor. In autumn, lung qi is more vigorous, which can easily cause problems such as excessive heat and constipation. Eating acid in moderation can astringent lung qi, stimulate the body's endocrine system to produce more body fluids, reduce dryness and moisten the lungs. Moreover, the liver belongs to wood, and acid enters the liver. Eating acid can to some extent unblock liver qi and have a nourishing effect on the liver. In addition, when choosing acidic food in daily life, try to choose fresh vegetables and fruits, such as oranges, pomegranates, oranges, etc., and eat less pickled pickled Chinese cabbage and hot and sour powder. Eating acid should also vary from person to person and be consumed reasonably. Patients with high blood sugar, gastric ulcers, and chronic gastritis should eat less, especially not on an empty stomach, to avoid causing acid reflux and worsening related symptoms. Try to relieve anxiety by eating the right food, which can provide important nutrients for the body and effectively alleviate anxiety. Deep sea fish contain Omega-3 fatty acids, which can increase the secretion of serotonin and reduce the risk of anxiety. Green leafy vegetables such as spinach are rich in magnesium, which can promote relaxation and reduce stress. Coarse grains are rich in various vitamins and minerals, and B vitamins can participate in the synthesis and metabolism of proteins in the brain, improving anxiety. Calcium and calcium not only promote bone development, but also have a sedative effect on the nervous system. Insufficient calcium intake can easily lead to anxiety, so it is advisable to eat some calcium containing foods (such as milk and beans) in moderation. Finally, doctors remind everyone that dietary therapy, as an auxiliary treatment, cannot replace medication and psychological therapy. When feeling unwell, it is important to seek medical attention promptly to avoid delaying the condition. (Le Xin She) Wen/Yuan Haining

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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