Preventing and Dealing with Low Temperature, Rain, Snow, and Freezing | Pay Attention to Cardiovascular "High Risk Moments" in Low Temperature Weather


Recently, many parts of the country have experienced heavy rain and snow, with temperatures plummeting. Experts suggest that the incidence rate of cardiovascular diseases generally increases in cold winter weather, which is more likely to occur in continuous low temperature, rain, snow and strong wind weather. The public should pay more attention to cardiovascular health. Why are cardiovascular problems more likely to occur in low-temperature environments? Zhou Xiaoming, Deputy Chief Physician of the Respiratory Department at the National Center for Cardiovascular Disease and Fuwai Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, introduced that due to the large indoor and outdoor temperature difference in winter, blood vessels in the human body quickly contract and dilate. Moreover, in order to maintain body temperature at low temperatures, the human body contracts peripheral blood vessels, increasing the burden of pumping blood to the heart, which can easily cause an increase in blood pressure and increase the volume of return heart blood. These are serious tests for cardiovascular disease patients. Especially in some extreme cold and low temperature weather, the sympathetic nervous system in the human body is excited, which accelerates heart rate, increases blood pressure, constricts systemic blood vessels, increases peripheral resistance, increases myocardial oxygen consumption, and is more likely to form blood clots, causing acute blockage of the lumen and leading to acute myocardial infarction. Cardiovascular experts from Fuwai Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences suggest that waking up at a fast pace in the morning, outdoor activities at low temperatures, taking baths or saunas for too long, and other situations can easily become high-risk moments for cardiovascular disease. The cardiovascular system is most vulnerable in the morning, with risks such as myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac death reaching their peak in the morning. After a night of rest, the body's blood pressure is relatively low. After the body wakes up, blood pressure will rise rapidly, especially for patients with high blood pressure in the morning. Patients with a history of cardiovascular disease who wake up in a carp like manner, immediately dress up and engage in activities, quickly brush their teeth and wash their face, etc., can cause the vagus nerve, which controls heart rate, blood pressure, etc., to have no time to adapt and regulate. Experts suggest that after waking up in the morning, do not immediately get up. First, lie flat and briefly move your limbs and head. After 3 to 5 minutes, get up and move around. Do not immediately open the window to blow cold air or wash with cold water. In addition, outdoor exercise in low-temperature environments can also pose risks to cardiovascular disease patients. Long term exposure to low temperatures may lead to increased heart rate, increasing the burden on the heart, and cold may also stimulate platelet aggregation, increase blood viscosity, and thus increase the risk of thrombosis. "In cold weather, patients should avoid vigorous exercise to avoid increasing the burden on the heart." Zhou Xiaoming said that although "Cat Winter" can avoid blood pressure changes caused by cold weather, sitting still for a long time may also increase the risk of blood clots. Proper exercise can maintain good cardiovascular health, and the public should keep warm during exercise to avoid sudden exposure to low temperatures. In low temperature weather, many people also enjoy taking baths or saunas. However, the public with cardiovascular risk factors, such as obesity, hypertension and diabetes, should be cautious when taking baths and saunas. Due to the significant temperature difference between indoor and outdoor during winter, the high temperature during bathing or sauna can cause vasodilation, increased blood flow, and increased cardiac burden. If symptoms such as nausea, palpitations, or rapid heartbeat occur during bathing or sauna, immediate attention should be paid and the activity should be stopped. With the arrival of winter cold waves, a series of respiratory diseases are on the rise, and acute cardiovascular events and related adverse prognosis are frequent.

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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