Today's Winter Solstice: It is advisable to nourish and nourish the kidneys to enhance immunity


December 22nd this year is the winter solstice of the twenty-four solar terms. Guo Lina, the deputy director of the Clinical Nutrition Department of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, introduced in an interview that on the winter solstice, the Yang energy between heaven and earth gradually rises from a hidden state to the ground, and the spleen and stomach of the human body begin to move vigorously, making it easy to absorb nutrients. Supplementing during the winter solstice can strengthen the foundation, nurture vitality, enhance immunity, and effectively prevent epidemic diseases. Guo Lina said that the kidneys correspond to the qi of winter, and diet should pay special attention to tonifying the kidneys. It should be noted that winter tonics should vary from person to person. Any food and medication have certain biases, and each person's physique varies. Blindly tonifying or randomly supplementing without illness is not allowed. For people with different constitutions, Guo Lina provides the following suggestions: those with kidney yang deficiency are prone to symptoms such as cold hands and feet, fear of cold, and clear and long urine. In winter, when nourishing the warm kidney yang, one can eat lamb, beef, chives, and other foods appropriately. People with a constitution that leans towards kidney yin deficiency are prone to symptoms such as dizziness, tinnitus, soreness and weakness in the waist and knees, restlessness and heat in the five hearts, and night sweats. In winter, when nourishing yin and kidney, one can eat black sesame, black beans, mulberries, etc. appropriately. Guo Lina suggests that the normal function of the spleen and stomach, as well as good digestion and absorption ability, requires effective nourishment, which is called "receiving nourishment". People with poor spleen and stomach function, such as spleen deficiency, stomach cold, and liver depression, may experience indigestion, abdominal pain, bloating, and other conditions that are not replenished if they take supplements at will. In addition, if there are symptoms such as severe fever, thirst, constipation, and dry heat, or if there is an acute disease, it is necessary to temporarily stop supplementing until the condition stabilizes and seek treatment from a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner before continuing to supplement. Finally, Guo Lina recommended the following three dietary remedies for everyone: strengthening the spleen and tonifying the kidneys - red dates and goji berry tea ingredients: 25g of red dates and 10g of goji berries. Method: Red dates (pitted) and goji berries are added with an appropriate amount of water and boiled. Effect: Nourishing the spleen and kidney, nourishing blood and calming the mind. Nourishing liver and kidney - Tremella, Lily, and Goji berry soup Ingredients: 20g Tremella and Lily each, 10g Goji berry, and an appropriate amount of honey. Method: Add an appropriate amount of water to Tremella, Lily, and Goji berries, boil over low heat to make a thick juice, then add honey and cook for another 5 minutes. Effect: Nourishing yin and generating fluids, nourishing the liver and kidneys, can alleviate symptoms such as restlessness, hot flashes, night sweats, and dry mouth and tongue. Warm Stomach and Tonify Kidney - Lamb Radish Soup Ingredients: 200g each of white and red radishes, 250g of lamb, appropriate amount of ginger, cooking wine, and salt. Method: Peel, wash, and cut red and white radishes into small pieces. Wash the lamb and cut it into pieces, then blanch it in boiling water to remove blood and set aside. Add water to the pot, bring to a boil over high heat, then add lamb, ginger, and cooking wine. Simmer over low heat until 6% cooked, then add carrots. Wait for the lamb to simmer until fully cooked, then add salt. Effect: Tonifying Qi and tonifying deficiency, warming the stomach and tonifying the kidneys. (Chen Ziyuan) (Le Xin She)

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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