Deeply integrating national education into the growth chain of graduate education


The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposes that education, science and technology, and talent are the fundamental and strategic support for the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country. Graduate students are the driving force of basic research and the strong foundation of a technological powerhouse. National education, as a key link in promoting the deep integration of the education chain, innovation chain, talent chain, and industry chain, is the only way to promote the cultivation of graduate students in the new era. Only by deeply integrating national education into the growth chain of graduate education can we promote young people to measure the land of our country with their feet, discover the Chinese spirit with their eyes, listen to the people's voices with their ears, sense the pulse of the times with their hearts, and integrate the emotions of our motherland's blood thicker than water, breathing and sharing life with the people throughout the entire academic process and in our career pursuit. From the perspective of integrating theory and practice, national education is an important foundation for the deep integration of the "four chains". China's independently trained graduate students have become the main force of scientific and technological innovation. The stage of graduate education coincides with a critical period for the formation of their worldview, outlook on life, and values. Universities should shape their ideals and beliefs through theory, and promote the grasp of the overall, systematic, and intrinsic connection of patriotic education. At the same time, through practical innovation in national education, enriching emotional identification and strengthening their mastery and application of the theories they have learned. Deepening national education is to adhere to the concept of integrating theory and practice, allowing graduate students to experience major opportunities for national development through participation, promoting the organic coupling of the education chain and innovation chain, and effectively promoting their ability to apply knowledge acquired through systematic theory into extended and expanded abilities. Universities should strengthen horizontal linkage and promote national education to take root in the entire process of cultivating graduate students. For example, at the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, a group of post-2000s graduate students participated in scientific and technological support and volunteer service work, contributing their intelligence, mastering solid skills, and increasing their knowledge and abilities. They demonstrated the youthful style of the times while dedicating themselves to the great cause of building a strong country. From the perspective of integrating science and education, national education is an important guarantee for the deep integration of the "four chains". Graduate education is a strategic resource for achieving high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement, accelerating the construction of a national strategic talent force, and winning the initiative in international competition. Through national education, we should continuously guide graduate students to deeply grasp the "greatness of the country" and concentrate on high-quality key core technology research and development. Graduate education should adapt to events, advance according to the times, and innovate according to the situation, inspiring graduate students to better explore innovative breakthroughs at the forefront of world technology, bravely explore unmanned areas, and pursue new blue oceans. We should base ourselves on the era of grand narratives and vivid practices, promote the integration of science and education, grasp practicality and creativity more deeply in scientific research, promote the organic coupling of the education chain, innovation chain, and talent chain, and lead graduate students to continuously advance towards the breadth and depth of science and technology. Universities should accelerate vertical connectivity and promote the deepening of national education in various fields of graduate education. Adhere to demand orientation, combine the growth characteristics of post-2000 graduate students, further innovate new ways and paradigms of national education, and seek new breakthroughs in the integration of science and education in deepening theoretical classroom learning, collective lesson preparation and interaction learning, following the footsteps of on-site learning, joint learning and construction of common classmates, special studies on major national weapons, and expert discussion demonstration learning. Utilize multiple channels to build a new pattern of graduate student growth and development. From the perspective of industry education integration, national education is a "four chain"

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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