Experts teach you how to quickly identify stroke and seize the golden rescue time


Winter is a high incidence season for stroke. Stroke is characterized by high incidence rate, high disability rate, high mortality, high recurrence rate and high economic burden. It is one of the major chronic non communicable diseases threatening the health of Chinese residents. What is a stroke? What are the hazards of stroke? How to quickly identify stroke? How to prevent the occurrence of stroke? A reporter from People's Daily interviewed Professor Li Xin, Vice Dean of the Second Hospital of Tianjin Medical University. Professor Li Xin introduced that stroke, commonly known as "stroke", is a sudden occurrence of cerebrovascular circulatory disorders. Stroke has an acute onset, rapid progression, and serious consequences, which can lead to limb paralysis, language disorders, swallowing difficulties, cognitive impairment, and mental depression. "Ischemic stroke patients account for about 80% of all stroke patients." Professor Li Xin said that stroke mainly includes two types: ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke. Ischemic stroke, also known as cerebral infarction, refers to the narrowing or occlusion of cerebral blood supply arteries, which leads to ischemia and necrosis of brain tissue and loss of corresponding brain function. Hemorrhagic stroke refers to the rupture of the cerebral blood supply artery, causing blood to enter the gaps between the brain and brain tissue, resulting in the death of brain cells without normal oxygen and nutrient supply. Once it occurs, it is extremely dangerous. Professor Li Xin also stated that when a stroke occurs suddenly, it is important to take the right first aid measures against time. The faster the first aid is sent to the hospital, the better. The earlier the treatment, the lower the disability and mortality rate of the patient. Once a stroke occurs, approximately 1.9 million brain cells die per minute, and the golden time window for treating acute ischemic stroke is within 3 to 4.5 hours. Early diagnosis and treatment can improve the blood supply in the ischemic area in a timely manner, and can lead to significant or even complete recovery in some patients. So, how to quickly identify a stroke? Professor Li Xin said that the symptoms of stroke mainly include sudden deviation of the mouth and eyes, speech impairment, weakness or inflexibility of one limb, severe headache, nausea and vomiting, and consciousness disorders. The "Stroke 120" mnemonic is a quick way to identify a stroke, where "1" refers to seeing an asymmetrical face; "2" refers to checking whether there is unilateral weakness in both arms; "0" refers to whether listening to speech is clear. If any of the above situations occur, you should immediately call the 120 emergency hotline and send the patient to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible. "Stroke can be prevented and controlled. The risk factors that can be intervened include hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, atrial fibrillation, smoking, alcohol intake, unreasonable diet, overweight or obesity, lack of exercise, psychological factors, etc. In addition, meteorological factors may be potential risk factors that can not be ignored for stroke." Professor Li Xin suggested. For stroke, prevention is more important than treatment. Professor Li Xin suggests that the primary task in preventing stroke is to correct unhealthy lifestyles. Achieve a reasonable diet, low salt and low fat; Avoid excessive fatigue and ensure adequate sleep; Quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption; Moderate exercise and avoid prolonged sitting and standing. It is recommended that healthy adults engage in moderate to high-intensity aerobic exercise for at least 40 minutes each time, at least 3 to 4 times a week. At the same time, it is necessary to control blood pressure, blood sugar, regulate blood lipids, consciously avoid risk factors for stroke, and do a good job of regular physical exercise

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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