There are ways to improve sleep quality


In a busy life, having a peaceful and deep night's sleep is very important. However, sleep problems often plague many people. How to determine whether one's sleep is healthy and how to cultivate good sleep habits? Although sleep conditions vary from person to person and there is no absolute unified standard, some general indicators can be used to determine whether one has sufficient sleep and whether the quality is good. Sleep duration. Adults generally require 6-8 hours of sleep per day and night, while children and adolescents have more sleep needs, with significant individual differences; There are slight differences in the same individual throughout the year. Under a regular schedule, wake up naturally in the morning with full energy, and the average amount of sleep experience per night is your sleep duration requirement. If sleep duration is compressed due to work or study in a short period of time, individuals may experience daytime fatigue, drowsiness, and insufficient energy due to lack of sleep. Sleep speed. You should fall asleep shortly after going to bed and enter deep sleep within 20-30 minutes after falling asleep. If it often takes a long time to fall asleep, it is recommended to postpone bedtime appropriately. Difficulty falling asleep may also be related to unhealthy habits such as anxiety, stress, excessive focus on sleep, bed rest, watching mobile phones, and TV. Sleep depth. Deep sleep, also known as slow wave sleep, is closely related to the repair of body function and the formation of memory. Deep sleep typically accounts for 15-25% of the total night's sleep duration (calculated at 7 hours per night, deep sleep is 60-100 minutes). Deep sleep is mainly distributed in the first half of the night. If one does not sleep in the first half of the night or wakes up frequently at night, it is likely to reduce the proportion of deep sleep throughout the night. Daytime status. The functional state during the day is also an important indicator of sleep quality. Good sleep should make people feel refreshed and energetic when they wake up in the morning. It is easy to concentrate during daytime work and will not cause fatigue and drowsiness due to short-term work. Dreams. Dreaming is a normal phenomenon in sleep, and people usually experience vivid dreams during rapid eye movement, which can form plots and even experience joy, anger, and sadness in their dreams. During non rapid eye movement, there may also be dreams, but they are more hazy and blurry. We spend 15-25% of our time in rapid eye movement every night. If the dream is too intense and causes repeated awakening, palpitations and night sweats during awakening, as the dream produces fatigue, or abnormal movements occur with the dream, it indicates a hidden disease risk. In recent years, there have been many recommended sleep methods on the internet, such as the two minute sleep method, multi-stage sleep method, white noise sleep method, etc., which can be used according to one's own situation. In fact, starting from oneself, following scientific sleep patterns, creating a comfortable sleep environment, and cultivating healthy sleep habits can all help improve sleep quality. Same frequency as oneself. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends, to maintain a certain level of consistency. Don't be overly drowsy and avoid prolonged lying down. Create a comfortable environment for oneself. Keep the bedroom warm, well ventilated, and relatively quiet. Using comfortable mattresses and pillows, the correct sleeping posture can avoid unnecessary stress on the body. For people who snore or hold their breath at night, sleeping in a lateral position can improve their condition to a certain extent

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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