Looking up at your phone can protect your cervical spine? Inventory those unreliable cervical protection remedies


In today's work and life, people are increasingly inseparable from their phones and computers. Long hours of desk work, leisure time watching TV dramas, playing games... Many people are already "on their phones". Over time, it is inevitable to experience neck discomfort, and some "folk remedies" can often be seen in social media to alleviate neck discomfort, such as "hanging" the neck and looking up at the phone. Can this really protect the cervical spine? Please note that these methods may actually cause damage to your cervical spine. Do not blindly operate the neck suspension. Our cervical spine is surrounded by many muscles, and the posture of lowering our head will stretch the muscles behind the cervical spine, just like a rubber band being stretched and in a tight state. If the head is lowered for a long time, the muscles are prone to fatigue, leading to muscle strain and neck pain. Over time, this will cause a decrease in the strength of the neck muscles, and an increase in the stress on the cervical spine will lead to a high incidence of cervical spondylosis. Currently, an increasing number of young people are working at their desks for extended periods of time or playing games with their heads down, resulting in muscle strain. There are also various methods circulating online to alleviate neck discomfort, such as the "hanging" neck just mentioned. In fact, this method is incorrect because "hanging" the neck simulates traction in clinical treatment of cervical spondylotic radiculopathy and is not suitable for treating muscle strain. Before undergoing traction treatment, it is necessary to have a clear diagnosis at a reputable hospital and not blindly operate on your own. Looking up at my phone for a long time can still cause muscle strain, and many people believe that since I mentioned earlier that the problem with my cervical spine is due to long-term lowering of my head, can I just "reverse operation" and look up at my phone to protect my cervical spine? This approach is also unscientific. Maintaining a posture for a long time, whether looking down at the phone or looking up at the phone, can cause muscle strain. Maintaining the cervical spine is a healthy prescription. In daily life, protecting the cervical spine correctly requires both "symptomatic" and "radical" treatment. Let's take a look at three suggestions for protecting the cervical spine. To avoid prolonged head bending, the first step is to avoid prolonged head bending and take appropriate rest, such as working with your head down for half an hour, lifting your head to relax, moving your cervical spine, and not keeping it in a high-pressure position for a long time. Daily exercise of the neck muscles can be done through the "Mi Zi Cao" method, allowing the cervical spine to move forward, backward, left, and right in various directions. It should be noted that the speed of performing the "Mi Zi Cao" on the cervical spine should not be too fast to avoid muscle damage. It can help to 'address the symptoms'. To achieve a "cure", it is necessary to strengthen the muscle strength of the neck through exercise at the root. It is recommended to engage in head up exercises such as badminton and breaststroke to enhance the muscle strength of the neck. Pay attention to keeping your cervical spine warm. Don't always be busy with online Weibo. We also need to wear a neck scarf to avoid neck muscle strain caused by factors such as cold. Wen/Zhao Yanbin (Peking University Third Hospital) (Lai Xin She)

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou


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