Can coffee and carbonated drinks "eat" empty bones? Don't worry!


Drink less coffee, don't touch carbonated drinks, be careful to rinse away all the calcium, and in the future, osteoporosis... "Have you ever been so concerned by people around you? Are these "life preservatives" leaving us with fragrant coffee and cold carbonated drinks? Don't worry, it's not that exaggerated. After all, it is unscientific to talk about harm without "quantity". The latest issue of the "Science" rumor list not only refutes this "famous training", but also gathers a batch of the latest health rumors to focus on cracking down. The monthly "Science" rumor list is guided by the Beijing Association for Science and Technology, the Beijing Municipal Committee's Cyberspace Office, and the Capital Internet Association, and jointly released by the Beijing Association of Science and Technology Journalists and Editors, as well as the Beijing regional website's anti rumor platform. Rumor has it that rabies has an incubation period of over ten years. The truth is that rabies is an acute zoonotic infectious disease caused by the rabies virus, with a mortality rate of almost 100%, seriously threatening the life safety and social stability of animal injured individuals. The length of incubation period is related to factors such as the virulence of the virus and the neural distribution of the invading site. The more the number of viruses, the stronger their virulence, the more abundant and close to the central nervous system they invade, and the shorter their incubation period. According to research data from the World Health Organization, 99% of rabies virus outbreaks occur within one year and cannot wait for more than a decade. At the same time, the incubation period of rabies virus is mostly 1 to 3 months, and the vast majority of cases take 20 to 60 days from infection to onset, with very few cases occurring within a week or over a year. Research has shown that the longest incubation period for rabies can be as long as 6 years. Rabies virus usually enters the human body through saliva after infected animals bite. After entering the human body, it lingers in muscle tissue for a period of time, replicates in small amounts, and then advances along nerve endings towards the spinal cord and brain, approximately a few centimeters per day. Finally, the virus reaches the brain and replicates in large quantities, directly attacking the control center of the human body, resulting in symptoms such as fear of water and wind. At this point, the immune system is no longer able to provide protection. Rumor has it that animals can be injured by sucking blood through their mouths to clear the wound. Some people believe that after being scratched or bitten by animals, especially animals carrying rabies virus, they can quickly use their mouths to suck out dirty blood and toxins to prevent infection. Using the mouth to suck blood to treat wounds is a very dangerous behavior. The level of exposure to rabies virus does not solely depend on the degree of skin damage, but is related to the number of nerves in the exposed area. Due to the dense distribution of nerves in the mouth and its proximity to the brain, there is a higher risk of infection after exposure to areas such as limbs. Therefore, cleaning wounds with the mouth is not advisable. After being bitten, it is important to deal with the wound as soon as possible for self rescue. Before going to the hospital, you can rinse with soapy water or flowing water. The more timely the wound is treated, the easier it is to remove the virus that invades the wound. If soap cannot be found for cleaning at the moment, water can also be used for basic flushing, and then timely medical treatment and vaccination can be sought to reduce the risk of contracting rabies virus. Rumors have it that tea foam and tea film are pesticide residues. Tea leaves are brewed with hot water, and sometimes a lot of foam will rise. After some teas cool down, a thin film may also form on the surface. There is a saying that these tea foam and tea film are pesticide residues that need to be removed. In fact, the foam produced during tea brewing is mainly tea saponins and proteins. Among them, tea saponin, also known as tea saponin, is a

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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