Why are there so many young people with high uric acid levels?


Relevant data show that in recent years, the incidence rate of hyperuricemia among young men in China has risen all the way, and even the number of young women with uric acid exceeding the standard is increasing. The trend of a general increase in uric acid levels is inevitably related to unhealthy physical conditions and incorrect lifestyles. So, what factors can cause an increase in blood uric acid levels? Among them, an unreasonable diet is one of the important factors that cause an increase in uric acid. 15 lifestyle habits that can easily cause an increase in uric acid. 1. Love drinking sugary drinks. This includes beverages containing sucrose, fructose syrup, and fructose. Juice drinks, sweet milk tea, etc. are also included in the scope of sugary beverages. 2. Drink a large amount of juice (including 100% juice). 3. Love to eat various desserts, desserts, candies, and sweet baked goods (sweet cookies, sweet bread, cookies, etc.). 4. Love drinking, including beer, Baijiu and excessive red wine. 5. I like to eat seafood and river delicacies. Including shellfish, oysters, roes, crabs, shrimps, sardine, anchovies and so on. 6. Love to eat animal viscera with high purine content. 7. Eat a lot of barbecue and barbecue meat. 8. Eating too much beef, lamb, pork, etc. in daily life. 9. Eating too much processed meat products, such as ham, bacon, bacon, sausages, etc. 10. Eating too few vegetables, potatoes, grains, and dairy products leads to insufficient intake of potassium, calcium, and magnesium. 11. Eating too salty, long-term excessive sodium. 12. Eating too few carbohydrates or producing ketones for a long time to lose weight. 13. Regularly dieting to lose weight and being semi hungry for a long time. 14. Insufficient exercise and weak muscles. 15. Excessive exercise/labor intensity, often in a state of stress. Let's take a look, how many items do you or your family with hyperuricemia have? The three major dietary structures can easily cause an increase in uric acid levels. From the above 15 dietary habits, if summarized, there are several mechanisms that can easily cause an increase in blood uric acid levels from a dietary perspective -1. Eating too much sugar, such as sweet drinks, pure fruit juice, and other studies have confirmed that excessive intake of fructose not only leads to insulin resistance, but also leads to disorder in uric acid metabolism. Drinking sweet drinks in large bottles is the best way to consume too much fructose. In ancient China, there was no habit of drinking sweet drinks. During meals, only soup or tea were consumed, and sugary drinks were not consumed. Drink only water and tea between meals, and do not drink sweet drinks. After the 1990s, foreign sweet drinks gradually entered China. With the strong commercial promotion force, drinking sweet drinks gradually became a consumption habit, especially when dining in restaurants and adult gatherings, children would be ordered some sweet drinks. Because children are naturally fond of sweetness, it is easy to develop a crush on sweet drinks. It must also be said that pure fruit juice has a higher sugar content than many sweet drinks. A glass of juice often contains the sugar in two or three apples/pears/peaches/oranges, and drinking two cups of juice is very relaxing and enjoyable. Therefore, replacing fruits with fruit juice can easily lead to excessive sugar intake. Some people may ask: Can fruits still be eaten? Can eat. The dietary guidelines recommend 200 to 350 grams of fruit per day, within this quantity range, without introducing too much fructose or causing high uric acid levels. But if you eat two or three kilograms of fruit a day, then the fruit

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou


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