Will employee medical insurance premiums no longer be transferred to personal accounts? The National Medical Insurance Bureau refutes rumors


According to the WeChat official account of the National Health Insurance Administration, recently, an article entitled "Staff Attention! From 2024, the medical insurance payment of employees will be completely changed" and related screenshots were spread on some WeChat groups, WeChat friends circle and other websites. After verification, the relevant content in the article, such as "employee medical insurance fees will no longer be transferred to personal accounts" and "individuals will no longer have their own medical insurance accounts", is purely fabricated. According to the central decision-making and deployment, as well as the "Guiding Opinions on Establishing and Improving the Mechanism of Employee Basic Medical Insurance Outpatient Mutual Assistance Security" (Guo Ban Fa [2021] No. 14), various medical insurance departments in various regions have carried out reforms in employee medical insurance outpatient mutual assistance security, established and improved the overall planning of employee medical insurance ordinary outpatient services, and effectively improved the outpatient security level of employee medical insurance participants. After the reform, the personal account system for employee medical insurance will still be retained, with three "unchanged" items. One is that the ownership of personal account balances remains unchanged. The historical balances before the reform and the balances newly transferred after the reform still belong to the individual, used for personal and family medical expenses, and can be carried forward and inherited. The second is that the proportion and flow of personal contributions by in-service employees remain unchanged and are still fully transferred to their personal accounts. Thirdly, the policy of non payment by retirees remains unchanged, and personal account funds are still transferred from the pooling fund. At present, the reform has achieved positive results, and the treatment level of employee medical insurance outpatient services has steadily improved. In the first half of 2023, the general outpatient service has benefited 1.124 billion employee medical insurance participants. The content and screenshots of the article circulating online regarding the cancellation of employee medical insurance personal accounts are completely fabricated. The National Medical Security Administration reserves the right to hold the relevant rumormongers accountable. Photo source: WeChat official account of the National Health Insurance Bureau (Lixin News Agency)

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou


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