It Doesn't Seem to Be That Hot either: The Deep Expression of Sports Spirit


Author: Li Juan (President and Researcher of the Journal of Central Plains Culture Research, Henan Academy of Social Sciences), adapted from the Spanish comedy film "Basketball Champion" and released on National Day, tells the story of a frustrated basketball coach named Wei Guozheng, who leads a group of passionate young people with mental disorders but exceptional skills to form the "House of Humanity" basketball team, overcoming numerous difficulties, The process of challenging a basketball champion. Under the burden of jokes, the film allows the audience to enter the story context in a relatively relaxed and joyful atmosphere, empathize with the characters, and stimulate deep thinking on issues such as winning or losing, dignity, and fate. Not only that, the film also presents the real life situation of the mentally disabled group in China within the original story framework, allowing the audience to further deepen their understanding and concern for the mentally disabled group while enjoying the charm of light and shadow. As a real-life film that focuses on people with mental disabilities, "It Doesn't Seem to Be So Bloody" doesn't set the tone of sadness, but rather portrays characters and tells the plot from a flat narrative perspective. In the movie, coach Wei Guozheng treats all team members equally and does not perfunctorily or excessively protect them due to their special circumstances. Wei Guozheng let the team members buy their own tickets and go out to eat fast food together; During the training process, Wei Guozheng helped the team members interact with society, allowing them to feel the pressure and warmth from reality. This equal creative concept subtly integrates the care for special groups into life, allowing the audience to approach and understand this group, and then providing them with more tolerance and support. Comedy films have always been a popular choice for film and television creation. In recent years, there has been a trend in the creation of some comedy films to prioritize form over core. Not only is the theme detached from reality, but the style has also evolved towards farce, which has sparked discussions among audiences on how to pursue spiritual value in comedy films. The creator of 'It Doesn't Seem So Hot' organically combines comedy elements with sports genres, unleashing its unique artistic charm. The work revolves around the training, fundraising, and competition of the "Humanity Home" basketball team, and the transformation of Coach Wei's concept and the emotional relationship between him and the members of the "Humanity Home" team take on the main function of promoting narrative and creating dramatic effects. From Coach Wei's obsession with victory from the beginning, adhering to the concept of "playing for the sake of winning", to his inability to communicate with his teammates during training and matches, which led to his collapse, to his understanding that the driving force behind Leliang's basketball game was not "victory", but to making others happy. In the final moments, he gave up the opportunity to equalize the score and instead satisfied the players' desire to play singles, creating suspense through sports movies and humor through comedy films, Weave rich dramatic conflicts to make the work vivid and touching without losing profound connotations. This work upholds a warm and natural artistic style and a restrained and optimistic attitude towards life, depicting the main characters' spiritual interaction and healing process through training and competitions, thus enabling the audience to have a deeper understanding of society and life. The movie presents multiple scenes of basketball players from the "House of Humanity" training at the seaside, where the surging waves and happy atmosphere complement each other, giving people the power to forge ahead;

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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