The "Wild Old Man of Du Ling" and Du Fu's Prefectural Complex


Du Fu nicknamed himself "Du Ling Ye Lao" and sometimes referred to himself as "Du Ling Ye Ke", "Shaoling Ye Lao", "Du Ling Bu Yi", and so on. Du Fu used this name roughly around the tenth year of Tianbao, and even in his later years when he was wandering in Jingchu, he often used it. The homesickness poems he wrote from entering Shu to his death are not only reminiscent of Gongxian and Luoyang, where he lived as a young man, but also of the scenery in Chang'an and its surrounding areas, indicating his feelings for Du Ling. This kind of emotion is not only related to the homesickness, but also closely related to its complex of county prestige. The "Duling Wild Old Man" and "Shaoling Wild Old Man", "Duling" and "Shaoling" all come from the prefectures formed by the Du family since the Western Han Dynasty. Du Ling is the tomb of Emperor Xuan of Han, and Shaoling was called "Xiaoling" before Tang Dynasty, which was the tomb of Empress Xu. It goes eighteen miles south to Du Ling. In the sixth volume of Lin Bao's "Compilation of the Yuan and Surnames", the Du family stated: "Zhou, a high-ranking official of the Han Dynasty, originally resided in Nanyang and moved to Maoling as a wealthy family. Zi Yannian also moved to Duling." This is the beginning of the Du family's settlement in Duling. Afterwards, it was divided into two branches, one stayed in the north and the other crossed the river south. One of the branches to which Du Fu belonged was the Xiangyang Far Branch of the Jingzhao Du family. Their ancestors migrated south during the Jin and Song dynasties and settled in Xiangyang, until Du Shu, the fifth ancestor of Du Fu, surrendered to the West Wei with the Marquis Xiao Xun of Liang Yifeng before returning to the north. Therefore, they were always regarded as the Xiangyang Du family in the Tang Dynasty. The "Biography of Du Fu in the Old Book of Tang" states that he was originally from Xiangyang and later moved to Gongxian, Henan. However, his grandfather Du Yijian and grandfather Du Shenyan also said that he was "from Xiangyang, Xiangzhou." Song Zhiwen wrote a poem titled "On the third day of March, I bid farewell to the Kun season of Yu Zhou Du Chang in the Bashui Qu Qu." The preface reads: "Speaking of Ba Chan, I will adapt to the Jing River. I love the trees of my old hometown and use the fragrant grass of my hometown." However, since the Southern Dynasty, the Du family who moved to Xiangyang often referred to themselves as the "Jingzhao Du family. The Book of Liang: Biography of Du Zha: "Du Zha, a native of Du Ling in Beijing, returned from the north to the south and resided in Xiangyang, Yongzhou. His descendants had their own family." This form of address continued to be used in the Tang Dynasty. Du Fu said from the epitaph of his father Du Bing, "Men are taboo about merging, and their characters are only combined. This phenomenon is due to the habit of using the surnames of Nandu overseas Chinese as northern prefectures during the Six Dynasties period. On the other hand, it is also related to the prominent branch of the Jingzhao Du family living near Chang'an in the early Tang Dynasty. The two prime ministers of the Taizong Dynasty, Du Ruhui and Du Yan, came from the main branch of the Du family in Jingzhao. It is common in the Tang Dynasty to cling to surnames, and it is also common for the Du family in Xiangyang, who did not have a prominent position after entering the Tang Dynasty, to cling to the prestigious ancestral branch. Du Fu also believed himself to be a descendant of the Jingzhao Du family, and repeatedly mentioned his identity in his poetry and prose. Therefore, he referred to himself as the "Thirteen Leaf Sun Fu" in the "Sacrifice to the Ancestor Dangyang Jun Wen" written in the 29th year of the Kaiyuan era. In the ninth year of Tianbao's "Jin Diao Fu Biao", it was also said: "Since the beginning of the emperor's forgiveness and pre surrender, I have been serving Confucianism and guarding officials, but I have not yet fallen into my profession." It was not until my later years in the "Hui Zhao" that it was said, "My family's monument is not unknown, and Wang's well is still there." This monument is the tribute monument erected by Du Yuping, the Empress Wu, on Mount Xian. After confirming oneself as Du Yu, it is to confirm one's identity as the Du family in Jingzhao. Du Fu's family not only approached the Jingzhao Du family in terms of identity recognition, but also purchased land near Chang'an. Du Fu's "Qujiang Three Chapters" mentioned that "Du Qu is fortunate to have mulberry fields". Du Fu's strong complex of county prestige was rooted in the social and cultural soil of the Tang Dynasty. The Tang Dynasty to some extent inherited the emphasis on prefectural prestige since the Wei and Jin dynasties

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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