Don't panic! If these "diseases" appear in the physical examination report, it is not advisable to treat them excessively


I went to check my body and found that the examination report indicators were not within the normal range, and even some "words" made me feel uneasy. In fact, some may not be sick, so don't panic! 01 Carotid artery atherosclerotic plaque: If no carotid artery stenosis is formed, no special treatment is needed. The physical examination report shows that "carotid artery atherosclerotic plaque", many people are very afraid, and worry about whether it will endanger their health if they ignore it. Hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, smoking, excessive drinking, and less exercise are all risk factors for carotid plaque formation. In addition, with age, even without the aforementioned risk factors, carotid artery plaques may still occur. At this point, it is particularly important to have a healthy diet that is low in oil and salt, as well as appropriate physical exercise. Of course, the lipid-lowering treatment and control of various risk factors for hyperlipidemia patients are also very important. 02 Prostate calcification: It has no negative impact on the body. Many people feel panicked when they see "prostate calcification" on the physical examination report and do not know how to treat it. In fact, "prostate calcification" is a scar that may have been left over from previous prostatitis and recovery, and has no negative impact on the body. There is no need to worry excessively or treat it. 03 Occasional premature beats and sinus arrhythmias: Do not over tense during the cardiac examination. If the following problems are found, do not over tense and try not to over treat. Accidental premature beats occur in many people as they age. If the dynamic electrocardiogram assessment is incidental and there are no clear symptoms, most people should pay attention to observation and do not think about using drugs or other methods. Many people with sinus arrhythmias receive medical reports that indicate "sinus arrhythmias," and their instinctive reaction is to suspect if their heart is having problems, but it is not. Our normal heart rhythm is called sinus rhythm. The rhythm of sinus rhythm is relatively regular, but the number of heartbeats, also known as heart rate, varies at all times. Sinus arrhythmia "is a normal physiological phenomenon that may be related to the emotions you experience when taking an electrocardiogram, such as anger, tension, excitement, and even taking certain medications, which can affect the outcome of your heart rhythm. It can generally be relieved after a calm rest. Children and adolescents often experience sinus arrhythmia during development and do not require special treatment. As they age, they often return to normal. 04 Blood routine slightly exceeds or decreases without symptoms: It is more common for routine examinations to have a normal reference value range. When this item shows an increase or decrease in blood during testing, a "↑↓" will appear on the report. The value that exceeds or decreases by only a small amount is called the critical value in laboratory medicine. It is common for blood routine tests to have critical values, as there are many factors that affect blood test results, such as the use time of pulse compression bands, the location of blood collection, storage methods, and testing time. Gender, age, race, altitude of residence, and even seasonal changes can interfere with parameters. At the same time, abnormal biochemical indicators such as elevated fasting blood sugar, hyperlipidemia, and hyperuricemia can also have a certain impact on the detection of blood routine, so this is why the indicators are only slightly higher or lower, and there is no

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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