New mothers pay attention to menstrual changes, don't believe these online rumors


Recently, there have been rumors circulating on the internet that menstrual changes in postpartum mothers can lead to premature aging, causing many new mothers to feel anxious. After giving birth, women will experience a period of menstrual 'rest period' before gradually returning. However, sensitive mothers may find that the menstrual cycle after returning is indeed somewhat different from before, indicating a physical problem? Or has your constitution changed? For various rumors, I believe it is necessary to provide detailed explanations to identify authenticity, answer everyone's concerns, and alleviate the concerns of new mothers. Rumor 1: Late postpartum menstruation indicates poor physical recovery. The truth is that the timing of postpartum menstruation recovery is not directly related to physical condition. Many new mothers will find that others' menstruation returns to normal within two to three months after giving birth, while their own takes a long time, even six months, to recover. According to rumors on the internet, the early onset of postpartum menstruation indicates a good recovery of the body. So does the late onset of menstruation mean that the body is not recovering well? Of course not, the timing of postpartum menstrual recovery is not directly related to physical recovery. The secretion behavior of ovarian hormones that form menstruation is controlled by the hypothalamus pituitary gland. The hypothalamic pituitary ovarian axis is a system that regulates endocrine and menstrual processes, known as the HPO axis, which is crucial for managing menstruation. However, the HPO shaft is highly susceptible to interference. Any abnormality in the hypothalamus, pituitary, or ovaries, or abnormalities in other glands such as the thyroid and adrenal glands, can lead to menstrual disorders. In addition, factors such as nutritional status, sleep status, body mass index (BMI), and mood can also have an impact on menstruation. Among them, breastfeeding has the most significant impact on postpartum menstrual recovery. During breastfeeding, the mother's body needs to secrete more prolactin to stimulate milk secretion. Prolactin can inhibit ovulation and also inhibit the secretion of estrogen and progesterone. Therefore, breastfeeding mothers typically resume menstruation later. According to research statistics, mothers who do not breastfeed typically resume menstruation within 45-64 days postpartum, with approximately 70% of women resuming menstruation within 12 weeks postpartum. For mothers who breastfeed, menstrual recovery time may be delayed, especially in the case of exclusive breastfeeding. About 40% of women will continue to have amenorrhea until 6 months postpartum, and some mothers may have no menstruation during exclusive breastfeeding, lasting even more than 1 year. It should be noted that a late recovery from menstruation does not necessarily mean that ovulation will not occur. Even without menstruation, effective contraceptive measures still need to be taken. It can be seen that the recovery time of postpartum menstruation varies from person to person, without comparability, and there is no saying that the earlier you resume menstruation, the better your health. However, if the following situations occur that result in delayed menstruation, it is recommended to seek medical attention as soon as possible: 1. After the first postpartum period has recovered, there is still a second menstruation after more than 3 months; 2. Mothers who do not breastfeed and have not resumed menstruation after 3 months postpartum; 3. Breastfeeding during breastfeeding, but menstruation has not resumed for more than 3 months after weaning; 4. A mother who continues to breastfeed will continue to menstruate for more than 12 months after giving birth. Rumor 2: Postpartum

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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