Sour plum soup can be used for both medicine and food, but it is not suitable for everyone


Many familiar ingredients can be used as medicine, as medicine and food have the same origin. By combining traditional Chinese medicine with cooking, you can enjoy delicious food while also strengthening your body. Recently, the sour plum soup from Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine hit a hot search on social media: due to a surge in order volume, the 1.34 yuan per piece of sour plum soup sold more than 60000 pieces both inside and outside the hospital, making it a "hot item" of the season. Sour plum soup is a common drink on the summer dining table. What is its nutritional and medicinal value? Is sour plum soup suitable for everyone? Tan Tao, the chief nutritionist of Renji Hospital affiliated with Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine and the executive director of the Clinical Nutrition Department of Wuxi SK Hospital, brought "precautions for drinking freely". Although sour plum soup is a traditional beverage in old Beijing, its main raw material, black plum, is produced in the south. Huzhou, Zhejiang, is also the main production area of high-quality black plum, and Hangzhou, as the darling of the Internet era, has a favorable time and location, making it easier to spread online popular sour plum soup. "Tan Tao said that residents in Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao have always had a tradition of making and drinking various herbal teas, After the introduction of sour plum soup, combined with local dietary habits, various ingredients such as red dates and longan are often added. The habit of drinking herbal tea for a long time also provides a solid mass foundation for the promotion of sour plum soup. Tan Tao explained that black plum has a sour taste, which can clear heat, relieve heat, promote fluid production, and quench thirst; The tangerine peel has a pungent taste, regulates qi and strengthens the spleen, and is fragrant and turbid; Hawthorn has a sour taste, appetizes digestion, promotes blood circulation and eliminates blood stasis. Combining these herbs together can strengthen the spleen, replenish qi, promote fluid production, and relieve heat. From the perspective of modern nutrition, acidic foods such as black plum and hawthorn are rich in organic acids, dietary fiber, and other substances, which can promote food digestion, improve food accumulation, and regulate blood lipids. In addition, these foods are rich in flavonoids such as anthocyanins and quercetin, which have good antioxidant effects. It should be noted that although sour plum soup has a good dual use effect in medicine and food, everyone's physique is different, and attention should be paid to the suitable population and usage method. It is not suitable for people with poor spleen and stomach function, gastrointestinal ulcers, and diarrhea. Many citizens are puzzled: is sour plum soup replacing milk tea really healthy? Tan Tao said that the sour plum soup issued by hospitals or traditional Chinese medicine rooms is a traditional Chinese medicine soup, strictly speaking, belonging to the category of traditional Chinese medicine. Its main purpose is to prevent and treat related diseases. In principle, it will not add white granulated sugar, rock sugar, and other seasoning to pursue taste, nor will it add food additives. The sour plum soup provided by ordinary restaurants is generally sold through commercial sour plum powder, sour plum paste, and other ingredients diluted with water. Although these sour plum soup drinks are still made from raw materials such as black plum, hawthorn, and tangerine peel, a large amount of white sugar and fructose syrup are added during the processing to reduce the sour taste. "Tan Tao said that for the" Chinese medicine version "of sour plum soup, there is not only a clear target audience, There are also corresponding medication requirements, and it is recommended to consume it reasonably based on the doctor's diagnosis and treatment. (New News Agency)

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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