Sudden negative emotions and behavioral changes? Don't miss these distress signals from TA


My friend suddenly becomes negative and pessimistic, and my colleagues have been saying that they are disgusted with the world recently. My family's lifestyle habits have undergone a 360 degree change... Attention! This could be a suicide warning signal from the TA! Today (September 10th) is "World Suicide Prevention Day". Let's take a look at what we can do to prevent suicide. Most experts believe that TAs are an important group for suicide prevention in China at the current stage: the elderly: as they enter old age, negative emotions such as illness, loneliness, and widowhood come one after another, making them prone to suicidal thoughts. Teenagers: Suicide has become the leading cause of death among teenagers. Problems such as academic pressure, campus bullying, and romantic setbacks, coupled with the immature psychological state of teenagers, poor stress resistance and self-regulation abilities, have led to an increasing number of suicides and self injuries among teenagers. In addition, there is another group of people who also have a higher risk, namely mothers with postpartum depression. Due to the significant physiological and psychological changes that occur in postpartum women, they interact with each other, making them very prone to emotional or psychological problems after childbirth. If there is no encouragement, understanding, and help from family or partners, only endless belittlement, blame, and criticism can easily trigger their suicidal behavior. These warning signals need to be noted. Research has shown that over 90% of suicides consciously or unconsciously send out warning signals before committing suicide. TAs may become emotionally negative, suffer from decreased physiological and cognitive functions, develop worldly language, and exhibit behavioral changes that are different from their usual behavior. Specifically, there are the following manifestations: negative emotions: referring to low and pessimistic emotions, often shedding tears for unknown reasons, and showing no interest or decreased interest in the people and things around them. Impairment of various functions: refers to physical fatigue, decreased memory, difficulty concentrating, increased or decreased sleep, and decreased appetite. Worldly language: Refers to "living is tiring and painful", "living is meaningless", "if I die, all problems will be solved", "nothing can change, there is no hope"... will discuss with people about the location, method, and other related issues of suicide. Sudden change behavior: Refers to making a will, arranging property, family related matters. Clean up all your belongings, give away your valuables, and write farewell letters. Changes in lifestyle habits or behaviors that are different from usual, such as purchasing drugs or tools related to suicide, sudden increases in alcohol consumption or smoking, searching for and following art works or media reports related to death. Make extreme and reckless impulsive behaviors, such as climbing mountains alone, racing cars, etc. Attention! These warning signals are actually distress signals! How should we help people with suicidal tendencies after discovering those around us? 1. Provide positive emotional support. Please take every word spoken by TA seriously. Maintain eye contact and use body language to indicate that you are paying attention to everything they say. After the TA expresses their suicide intention to you, it is important to carefully listen to and acknowledge the TA's feelings rather than making comments

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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