Unable to blindly rest after sports injury surgery


Recently, the Osteoarthritis and Sports Medical Center of the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University received a 15-year-old male patient named Xiao Wang. He was passionate about basketball and came to see the doctor due to pain in the upper right knee, limited knee flexion and extension, and inability to walk normally. Subsequently, Director Li Jieruo's team underwent surgery for him, which was his second surgery in about 2 months. Li Jieruo stated that the reason why Xiao Wang is going to undergo his second surgery so soon is because he did not have good rehabilitation exercises after the first surgery, and his muscle strength was insufficient, causing him to fall, resulting in a broken tendon and requiring another surgery. Therefore, postoperative rehabilitation of bone and joint motion injuries is very important, which directly affects the effectiveness of the surgery. It is important not to simply rest. Two months ago, during a basketball game, Xiao Wang was accidentally hit in front of his thigh due to a broken thigh tendon, causing severe pain. At that time, the swelling and pain in the front of his thigh were very obvious. He underwent surgery to remove the hematoma in the front of his thigh at a nearby hospital. After the surgery, the wound healed well, but the range of motion of the knee joint was not ideal and the muscle strength recovery was insufficient. It is necessary to wear braces and use crutches when walking on the ground. In the third week after the surgery, Xiao Wang accidentally fell while using the restroom. This time, he experienced severe pain above his right knee, which was located near the location of the last surgery. Xiao Wang's family brought him to the Sports Medicine Center of Jinan University Affiliated First Hospital for medical treatment. After detailed medical history inquiry, physical examination, and imaging analysis, Li Jieruo told Xiao Wang that his thigh tendon (quadriceps tendon) was broken. Based on years of accumulated experience, Li Jieruo analyzed that the thigh muscles and tendons were already damaged when playing basketball for the first time. In addition, there was no good functional rehabilitation exercise after surgery, resulting in insufficient muscle strength around the knee joint, limited joint activity, and abnormal gait during walking. This led to postoperative falls and rupture of the thigh tendons. Due to the importance of thigh tendons, conservative treatment is difficult to restore function, so it is necessary to undergo another surgical treatment. Director Li Jieruo's team immediately developed a suitable personalized surgical plan for patients, allowing them to quickly recover. The surgery lasted about 1 hour and the quadriceps femoris was fully released and the tendon was reinforced and reconstructed during the operation. After the surgery, Xiao Wang's pain was significantly reduced. The exercise rehabilitation doctor provided him with rehabilitation exercise guidance, and by two weeks after the surgery, the range of motion of his right knee joint had reached 60 °. As the rehabilitation process gradually increased, Xiao Wang's condition was gradually improving. After injury surgery, it is equally important to not blindly rest and scientific rehabilitation. Li Jieruo emphasized that the rehabilitation after bone and joint movement injury surgery is quite important, which directly affects the effectiveness of the surgery. Everyone is familiar with the saying 'one hundred days of injury and bone damage'. However, it is not right to believe that one should rest for these 100 days and try to move as little as possible, just lying flat. After Xiao Wang's first surgery, he fell due to insufficient muscle strength due to poor rehabilitation exercise, resulting in a broken tendon that required a second surgery. Li Jieruo reminds that the correct method after surgery is to conduct functional rehabilitation exercises in a timely manner according to the doctor's guidance, including muscle contraction and joint activity exercises, which can avoid joint stiffness and insufficient muscle strength

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