Expert tip: Although lychee is delicious, excessive consumption can easily lead to "lychee disease"


During the lychee season, this fragrant and sweet fruit is widely loved by people. During the Song Dynasty, Su Shi once wrote a poem, "Eating 300 lychees a day, never hesitating to grow up as a Lingnan person. But experts suggest that although lychees are delicious, it is not advisable to overeat them, as excessive consumption can lead to "lychee disease". Zhao Yi, who lives in Shenyang, ate a large bag of lychees at once and suddenly felt dizzy. After visiting the hospital, he was told by the doctor that this was a manifestation of "lychee disease". 'Lychee disease' refers to the symptoms of pale complexion, fatigue, palpitations, thirst, and other symptoms that some people experience after consuming a large amount of fresh lychee. Some severe cases may also have cold limbs, decreased blood pressure, and even convulsions and sudden coma. Because it is caused by excessive consumption of lychee, it is commonly known as' lychee disease ', "said Li Han, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner at the Health Education Department of Shenyang Health Service Center. Experts introduce that the symptoms of patients with "lychee disease" are related to hypoglycemia. Although lychee contains a large amount of sugar, it is mainly composed of fructose, which stimulates insulin secretion. When a person consumes an excessive amount of lychee at once, a large amount of insulin is stimulated to secrete, and the speed at which fructose is converted into glucose cannot keep up, leading to a significant decrease in blood sugar and symptoms of hypoglycemia. This is also why consuming a large amount of lychee on an empty stomach or when hungry is more likely to cause 'lychee disease', "Li Han said. However, not everyone who eats lychees will "get sick". Expert analysis shows that people with poor blood sugar regulation function have weaker effects on converting fructose into glucose. When consuming large amounts of fructose, it is more likely to cause hypoglycemia. Therefore, children, hypoglycemic patients, diabetes patients, pregnant women with Gestational diabetes and other special groups are not recommended to eat lychee. Li Han suggests that there is no need to panic when symptoms of "lychee disease" occur. People with milder conditions can alleviate it by drinking a little sugar water or eating a few pieces of sugar; If the condition is severe, it is necessary to go to the hospital in a timely manner and receive treatment through intravenous infusion, oral glucose, etc. (New News Agency)

Edit:luxiongfeng    Responsible editor:zhaoxiaoli


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