Hot, hot! You should know about heatstroke


Recently, the northern region has experienced an escalation of sunny and hot weather, with widespread high-temperature weather. Tomorrow (June 15th), the high-temperature range will reach its maximum in the near future, covering Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Henan, and other places. Local high-temperature intensity may be rare during the same period. In response to the new round of large-scale hot and sunny weather, the disease control department reminds the public to take good health protection measures to prevent heatstroke and other situations. The medical staff said that under high temperature, the human body's Thermoregulation, water and salt metabolism, digestion, nerves, urinary and circulatory systems will have changes in physiological functions. When the changes exceed the human body's tolerance, they will have adverse effects, leading to acute heat induced diseases, namely heatstroke. In a high-temperature environment, if symptoms such as dizziness, headache, limb weakness, thirst, excessive sweating, palpitations, chest tightness, lack of concentration, and uncoordinated movements occur, but the body temperature is normal or slightly elevated (generally not exceeding 38 degrees Celsius), it is a precursor to heatstroke. He Mingyi, Department of Emergency Medicine, Capital Medical University: If we have threatened heatstroke, we should first get out of the high temperature, high humidity and closed environment as soon as possible, and then go to a ventilated and cool place to let the patients have a rest. If conditions permit and the condition is not too serious, we should drink some cool drinks in moderation, such as light salt water, salt tea water or some cool drinks containing salt. At this point, you can use a cold towel to wipe and cool down, and some patients may have improved their symptoms. At ordinary times, you can prepare some normal temperature Thua khiao tom namtan at home, which also has the effect of relieving summer heat. Severe heatstroke can be divided into three types: Heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. According to the clinical manifestations, severe heatstroke can be divided into three types: Heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Among them, heat stroke is the most dangerous, accompanied by multiple organ injuries. Severe heatstroke can endanger life. Heat cramps is characterized by muscle spasm and severe pain. The symptoms of heat exhaustion include dizziness, headache, palpitations, excessive sweating, thirst, nausea, vomiting, followed by wet and cold skin, pale complexion, fainting, a brief decrease in blood pressure, and a significant increase in body temperature. However, most patients with heat stroke have an acute onset, with early symptoms of weakness, headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. The typical symptoms are high fever, core temperature often above 40 degrees Celsius, dry skin, burning without sweat, accompanied by Disorders of consciousness of different degrees, which can be combined with multiple organ failure and Disseminated intravascular coagulation. He Mingyi, Department of Emergency Medicine, Capital Medical University: In fact, heat stroke is a common disease in our emergency department. It is a very serious acute and critical disease, and the mortality rate is very high. It is very easy to occur in hot and humid seasons. It can be divided into two types: one is similar to those who are weak, elderly, have underlying diseases, or are more likely to appear in children; There is also a type of labor induced heat stroke, such as military training, which may occur during intense outdoor exercise. Generally, when we experience heat stroke in severe heatstroke, it is necessary to seek medical attention as soon as possible. However, before seeking medical attention, we also need to follow the principle of getting rid of the high temperature and humidity environment as soon as possible, and transporting while cooling down. In such cases, it is necessary to seek medical attention at the hospital to solve the subsequent emergency and critical illness situation. For most patients with high blood pressure, it is important to control blood pressure and maintain a safe and stable summer

Edit:feiyi    Responsible editor:yifei

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