Is probiotics for constipation or diarrhea?


May 29, 2023 is the 19th "World Intestinal Health Day". The intestine is an important digestive organ in the human body, and it is also the most important and critical organ for nutrient absorption. 99% of the nutrients required by the human body are absorbed from the intestine, caring for the intestines, and promoting healthy "intestines" and longevity. In our intestines, there are trillions of microbiota, some of which are beneficial bacteria that reside for a long time; Some are conditional pathogens that can cause damage when the gut microbiota is destroyed; Some invade passing pathogenic bacteria due to other reasons. These gut microbiota, especially beneficial microorganisms, as well as their metabolites, constantly regulate and affect our health, including digestive health, immune health, metabolic health, and skeletal health. However, when it comes to probiotics, most people still have a limited understanding, and even have many misunderstandings and questions, such as "Isn't probiotics used to treat constipation? How can it still treat diarrhea?" "Can I eat the wrong probiotics and the diarrhea becomes severe?" So, do you also have this question: is probiotics used to treat diarrhea or constipation? Aren't these two completely opposite and contradictory? Today, let's take a closer look from the beginning: the probiotic products on the market are all food products rather than drugs, which can only alleviate but cannot be treated. I believe many people have a similar experience: they feel particularly delicate in the intestines and stomach, and as long as they eat outside, they will have diarrhea. If you have this feeling, I believe many people have also tried various methods, among which probiotic related products are definitely the most "Amway" one. Although probiotics are considered a relatively new category in the food industry, they are now becoming increasingly popular and many people are beginning to have a certain understanding of probiotics. Firstly, it should be clarified that probiotic products on the market belong to the category of ordinary food or health food, are not drugs, and cannot replace drugs to treat diseases. So when we answer the question next, we cannot say 'treating constipation or diarrhea'. We need to express it more precisely: can probiotics really alleviate constipation and diarrhea? Probiotics do not aim at "constipation" or "diarrhea" but improve the balance of Gut microbiota. Many scientific evidences show that some probiotic strains have shown the role of relieving constipation in the study; At the same time, there is also a lot of research evidence on the relief of diarrhea by certain probiotic strains. Probiotics do not work against symptoms of "constipation" or "diarrhea". It alleviates "constipation" or "diarrhea" by improving the balance of Gut microbiota and restoring and maintaining normal intestinal function. Once the intestinal function is normal, common intestinal problems such as constipation and diarrhea can also disappear. Therefore, from a mechanistic perspective, probiotics have the effect of improving both constipation and diarrhea, which is not contradictory. For example, probiotics can promote colonic fermentation. When encountering diarrhea, fermentation products can lower the pH value of the intestine, inhibit the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, and improve diarrhea caused by pathogen infection. When encountering constipation, the fermentation products change the intestinal Osmotic pressure, increase the intestinal water, thus softening the stool and increasing the stool volume, and improve constipation. However, "relieving constipation or diarrhea" is only possible with probiotics

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan


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