Eating with peace of mind increases the vitality and energy of candidates


This week will usher in the annual college entrance examination. During this period, it is crucial to take care of the child's daily life, food and drink, as this allows them to participate in exams with a full mental state. So, how should parents do a good job of "logistical support"? Bian Shanshan, the attending physician of the Nutrition Department of the Second Hospital of Medical University, advises parents. During the college entrance examination period, follow the principle of "moderate to moderate" in diet and prioritize "stability". The diet should be daily, that is, it should mainly focus on foods that are eaten normally, accompanied by seasonal fruits and vegetables. Don't give your child food that they haven't eaten or "replenished" just because it's for the college entrance examination. Pursuing new and expensive foods excessively may lead to adverse reactions such as allergies and digestive problems, which can affect your child's exam. Firstly, parents should pay attention to a reasonable and balanced intake of nutrients when choosing a diet for their children's exam preparation, which can reduce the quantity, variety, and color of the ingredients. This intake of nutrients is both comprehensive and can enhance a child's appetite. Secondly, the three meal diet should be regular, and breakfast should include foods rich in high-quality protein (meat, eggs, milk) and complex carbohydrates, such as whole grain staple foods (rye bread, corn tortillas, millet, and oats, etc.). Carbohydrates are the main source of long-lasting and stable energy, and the glucose converted from consuming staple foods is an important nutrient for brain operation. High quality protein and carbohydrates can prevent candidates from feeling hungry too early, leading to a decrease in blood sugar levels, slowing down brain responses, and affecting the performance of the exam room. During the college entrance examination, many parents want to buy some "brain products" to help their children improve their memory and academic performance in the short term. When parents consider purchasing these products for their children, they should remain rational and not be superstitious about product promotion. A balanced diet, a good learning environment, and sufficient sleep are more important and effective in improving children's memory and learning outcomes. At the same time, we also need to recognize that everyone's physical and health conditions are different, so the dietary strategies applicable to them will also vary. Each candidate should develop a suitable dietary plan based on their own needs and circumstances, rather than blindly imitating others' dietary habits or preferences. It is not wise to overly believe that certain foods can directly improve intelligence and memory, as there is currently no conclusive scientific evidence to suggest that specific foods can directly improve exam scores. The key is to maintain a balanced and diverse diet. Don't touch raw or cold food during the college entrance examination. The weather is quite hot, so it is important to pay attention to cleanliness and hygiene in your diet. Try to eat at home and avoid dining outside to avoid affecting the health of the candidates due to food safety issues. Avoid drinking cold water and eating chilled fruits and vegetables in hot weather to avoid causing gastrointestinal diseases. At the same time, reduce the intake of spicy, cold mixed, fried, bloated and other foods. Do not consume food from unknown sources. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits every day, and enrich the variety appropriately. Juice and dried fruits cannot replace fresh fruits. Fresh vegetables and fruits must be cleaned before eating. In addition to a reasonable diet, candidates should combine work and rest, and engage in moderate and diverse physical activities. While ensuring safety, outdoor exercise can be increased to reduce

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan


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