How do young people choose the "right rice"?


The concept of "food is the top priority for the people" has always permeated Chinese culture, and staple food is an indispensable part of the diet. As the post-90s and post-2000s gradually become the main consumer groups, there have been many changes in staple food consumption, with factors such as quality, health, and pace of life becoming key factors affecting consumer choices. The younger generation will choose more refined staple food. China's staple food supply is stable and good. With the Digital transformation and upgrading of processing technology, the industrialization and quality of staple food production are further improved. Digital agriculture pilot projects and other projects have been steadily promoted, driving the steady increase of staple grain output; The application of processing measures such as photoelectric precise identification and compound selection not only significantly improves production efficiency, but also protects the active components and nutrients of grains, indirectly driving the upgrading of main grain quality. The upgrading of main grain production and quality has also driven a shift in the consumption concept of main grains among the new generation of young people. According to a report released by CBNData, safety, nutritional upgrades, and taste upgrades rank among the top three in terms of attention to topics related to staple foods. With the upgrading and iteration of upstream and downstream channels, and the rise of online consumption trends in staple foods, people can also easily find staple foods that meet their own needs through product details, brand manuals, live streaming, and other forms. TMIC data shows that among the online staple food consumption categories, edible oil and rice account for the highest proportion, followed by flour, corn, and miscellaneous grains, which confirms the current national preference for staple foods. From the perspective of consumer groups, although the current online main grain consumer group is mainly composed of people over 30 years old and those in lower tier cities, the proportion of high consumption people under 30 years old living in higher tier cities is increasing, and they are becoming an undeniable force in changing the main grain consumption structure. The concept of health is prevalent, and with the improvement of quality of life, Chinese people have more expectations for rice. Although refined white rice is still more favored by the public at present, embryonic rice with a softer texture and higher nutritional content has also begun to receive attention. Research shows that nutritional components have become the key factor in attracting the 95th generation of embryonic rice, and for the 90s generation, the taste of soft and glutinous rice is also an important influencing factor. With the prevalence of health concepts, consumers' choices of rice flour oil have also undergone a transformation. TMIC data shows that in terms of the growth rate of the number of main grain buyers, miscellaneous grains are more than twice as high as the overall main grain. The emergence of nutrition matched monthly Congee, sugar controlled miscellaneous grain Congee, and brown rice to reduce cardiovascular burden indicates that the demand for miscellaneous grains is becoming more and more subdivided. Compared to other staple foods, miscellaneous grains are more beneficial to health in reducing cardiovascular disease risk and having a lower glycemic index, and online consumption growth is more prominent; From the perspective of search, consumers' needs are also gradually subdivided, not only cooking Congee and making miscellaneous grain drinks, but also paying attention to the specific types of miscellaneous grains and the needs of pregnant women and other special groups. At the same time, in addition to the term 'pan flour', keywords that focus on specific grains of flour are receiving attention, especially healthier whole wheat, buckwheat flour, and corn flour; The post-90s and post-00s are more likely to be attracted by the advantages of high fiber and low fat to buy wheat flour, corn flour and buckwheat flour. In the categories of flour and edible oil, peanut oil, corn oil, and rapeseed oil are still the mainstream consumption of edible oil, but rice oil and camellia oil

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan


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