Heat can easily "damage the brain" and be alert to the high incidence of stroke


It is generally believed that winter is the season with a high incidence of cerebrovascular diseases, and summer is relatively safe, but this is not the case. Since the beginning of summer on May 14th, Beijing has experienced multiple rounds of rapid warming, with the highest temperature exceeding 35 ℃. The hospital's stroke green channel has admitted many new stroke patients. When temperature fluctuations cause repeated contraction and expansion of cerebral blood vessels, various cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases may be sought after, especially elderly patients with cerebral vascular sclerosis, who are highly susceptible to stroke. Therefore, in the summer, both doctors and patients need to be prepared to cope with the occurrence of cerebrovascular diseases. The higher incidence rate of cerebrovascular disease in northern cities is a common disease worldwide. Its characteristics of multiple, disabling and fatal have caused a great burden to patients and their families. In China, the incidence of stroke is increasing, especially in northern China, where the incidence rate and mortality rate remain high. Research shows that the global incidence rate of stroke is related to the latitude of residence. The higher the latitude, the higher the incidence rate. The overall incidence rate of stroke in China is also high in the north and low in the south. The incidence rate of stroke in the north, middle and south is 1097.1, 917.7 and 619.4 per 100000 people, respectively. The top five provinces with the highest incidence rate are located in the northern region, namely Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Inner Mongolia and Shandong. In northern cities of China, such as Beijing and Tianjin, under the combined effect of climate at the same latitude and similar diet, the incidence rate of stroke is similar in summer and winter, which is different from southern areas such as Shanghai and Guangzhou. It can be seen that the same disease is significantly different under the seasonal effect of different regions. Clinical experience shows that cerebrovascular diseases are more common in the following groups of people. Research on hypertensive populations has shown that hypertension is the largest cause of stroke, with 78% -80% of strokes caused by hypertension. Long term hypertension significantly increases the risk of fatal or non fatal stroke. The probability of developing heart, brain, and even systemic arteriosclerosis is significantly increased in individuals with high blood lipids, especially those with high cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein. If we do not control the atherosclerosis of blood vessels inside and outside the skull in time, the blood vessels will become more and more narrow, and eventually form thrombus. High blood sugar in diabetes population tends to cause slow blood flow, and its probability of promoting arteriosclerosis through multiple metabolic pathways is much higher than that in non hyperglycemic population. Frequent smoking among smokers poses great harm to the body, mainly affecting the entire blood vessels and blood system, such as accelerating arteriosclerosis, increasing fibrinogen levels, and promoting platelet aggregation. Long term passive smoking can also increase the risk of stroke. With the improvement of living standards of obese people, high energy diet is easy to make people obese, thus increasing the risk of suffering from hyperlipidemia, hypertension and diabetes. There are four reasons for the high incidence of cerebrovascular diseases in summer. Similar to cardiovascular diseases, cerebrovascular diseases also have seasonal patterns of occurrence, but their onset characteristics are influenced by various factors, with weather factors such as temperature, humidity, and sunlight playing the main role. For example, winter is a high incidence period for cerebrovascular diseases, because after the temperature drops, people's blood vessels contract, causing an increase in blood pressure and blood viscosity. Blood stasis in the blood vessels can lead to the formation of blood clots. And summer

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan


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