Lowering mortality and promoting longevity are the three most cost-effective sports


If there is a "universal prescription" that can simultaneously control blood pressure and blood sugar, improve sleep quality, alleviate anxiety, prevent cancer, and even prevent more than 40 chronic diseases, it is "exercise". However, with so many types of exercise, which one is more beneficial for the health of the general population? Is it more conducive to reducing mortality and longevity? A survey report in the renowned medical journal The Lancet, which lasted for 15 years and involved 80000 people, provides the answer. Researchers analyzed the relationship between different types of sports and all-cause mortality, and found that the three most cost-effective sports were: first, swing sports (table tennis, badminton, etc.), which can reduce the risk of all-cause mortality by 47%; Second place: Swimming can reduce the risk of all-cause mortality by 28%; Third place: Aerobic exercise can reduce the risk of all-cause mortality by 27%. These three types of sports have the most significant impact on health and longevity. Why on earth can these three types of sports have such great benefits? Which groups are more suitable? Let's take a look together - swing sports reduce all-cause mortality by 47%. Research shows that compared to participants who did not engage in physical activity, those who engage in swing sports such as table tennis, tennis, and badminton can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by about 56%; If the recommended amount of exercise can be achieved, it can reduce the all-cause mortality rate by about 47%. Why can swing sports be rated as the "best sport"? The benefits cannot be separated from the following: 1. Exercise multiple muscles and strengthen bones. During the process of catching the ball, the muscles of the whole body can be exercised. The swing movement can stimulate the biceps and triceps muscles, effectively enhancing the strength of the shoulder and arm muscles; In addition, constantly moving and jumping can also strengthen the muscles in the lower limbs and waist, resulting in stronger muscle strength, healthier bones, and slower aging rate. 2. Improving physical coordination ability When playing ball, not only do you need to make quick judgments, but your limbs also need to respond in the first time, which can improve your sensitivity, coordination, and reaction ability. 3. Eye Protection and Brain Strengthening: Before hitting a ball, the eyes should judge the ball's path, and the brain should quickly make judgments about the ball's speed, angle, strength, etc. This is a form of exercise for the eyes and brain, which can keep the brain thinking agile and improve reaction and memory. Reminder: When middle-aged and elderly friends choose swing sports, they should consider their own conditions, such as whether there are primary diseases or injuries in the knee, ankle, and shoulder joints. Badminton and tennis generally have high requirements for physical fitness and should be carefully chosen. Recommend table tennis more, the activity volume is not as large, and the venue is also smaller. ② Pay attention to standardized movements during exercise, reduce mechanical movements, and avoid sports injuries. If you feel local elbow joint soreness, you should stop stretching in a timely manner. Before receiving the ball, relax all over the body, use your big arm to drive your forearm, and then use your fingers and wrists to forcefully hit the ball. Do not swing your arm vigorously. Swimming reduces all-cause mortality by 28%. Research has shown that swimming can reduce the overall risk of death by 28% and the risk of death from cardiovascular disease by 41%. The main benefits it can bring are: 1. Improve the cardiopulmonary function. When swimming, the respiratory rate should coordinate with the movement rhythmically, forcing each breath to breathe deeper

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan


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