There are methods to properly protect the waist


Data shows that there are a large number of patients with lumbar spondylosis in China, and in recent years, there has been a trend of younger onset. How to prevent and treat lumbar muscle strain? How should I exercise my waist muscles in daily life? "Poor sitting posture and standing posture in learning and work, long-term excessive weight bearing in the waist, or acute sprain in the waist caused by exercise that has not healed, etc. may cause low back pain, and the most common problem may be lumbar muscle strain." Wang Shangquan, chief physician of the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of Wangjing Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, said that lumbar muscle strain is mainly manifested in spasm, pain, and weakness of the lumbar muscles. Pay attention to the combination of movement and static in life, Exercise to strengthen the waist muscles. Is it necessary to wear waist protection in daily life? Wang Shangquan stated that it can be worn during acute attacks, usually no more than one month. Patients undergoing lumbar fusion surgery should consult a doctor to wear it reasonably. It is not recommended to wear waist protection for a long time as it can affect the muscle activity of the waist and lead to decreased muscle strength. Wang Shangquan said that in terms of prevention, habits should be cultivated in daily life, avoiding prolonged sitting and standing, and standing up for 5-10 minutes of activity every hour. For patients with low back pain, if they are in a stable or sub healthy period, they can take appropriate muscle exercises to treat them, such as plank, Xiaoyanfei, three-point support, waist extension, etc. In addition, patients with lumbar muscle strain are not suitable for sleeping in a bed that is too soft. Do not suddenly bend over to carry heavy objects, and make preparations before moving heavy objects. "Patients with low back pain should actively respond, or they will need a long time of exercise and treatment to recover from chronic strain and cause inconvenience to life." Wang Shangquan stressed that lumbar muscle strain can be treated symptomatically through moxibustion, physical therapy, acupuncture and moxibustion, muscle exercise and so on. For patients with lumbar disc herniation, surgery is not necessarily necessary. If the patient's activity is not limited and there is not too much pain, conservative treatment plans can be chosen according to the situation, and timely consultation with a doctor for symptomatic treatment. (Outlook New Era Network)

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan

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