Besides launching big models, what else should AI development do


If ChatGPT is a gust of wind, what else will it bring to China, besides attracting attention from all sectors to the AI big model? At the 6th Digital China Construction Summit held recently, many officials and scholars were discussing this issue. Undoubtedly, with the explosion of ChatGPT, artificial intelligence has once again taken the lead. Many domestic enterprises seize the opportunity to launch their own AI models, such as Baidu's "ERNIE Bot", Ali's "Tongyi Qianwen", Huawei's "Pangu Model", and iFLYTEK's "Spark Cognition Model"... According to incomplete statistics, more than 20 AI models have been launched in China so far. Faced with so many AI big models, Cao Shumin, Deputy Director of the National Internet Information Office, is somewhat worried and "cannot herd together". She mentioned the "chaos" of some places rushing to build data centers before. Wang Jianzeng, an academician of the CAE Member and the founder of Alibaba Cloud, commented that many places have built data centers into real estate projects, and some data centers are actually "leased", distributing the space of data centers to different customers... Do not build data centers for the purpose of building them. Cao Shumin said, "Various fields should not overheat. Currently, artificial intelligence is increasingly integrated into various fields of China's economic development, becoming an important driving force for promoting technological leapfrog development, industrial transformation and upgrading, and overall productivity leap, providing strong support for the transformation of old and new driving forces and high-quality economic development. According to data released by the China Institute of Electronic Information Industry Development, from 2017 to 2021, the scale of China's artificial intelligence industry increased by 2.6 times, accounting for 16.8% of the global proportion. The proportion of patent applications in the global market continues to expand, increasing from 13% in 2012 to 70.9% in 2021. Cao Shumin stated that although many progress and achievements have been made, there are still some gaps in the overall development level of artificial intelligence in China compared to developed countries, especially in some basic theories, original technologies, and high-end core technologies in the industry. She hopes that all sectors can take advantage of the east wind brought by ChatGPT, truly immerse themselves in developing artificial intelligence, seize opportunities, and "maintain composure and be able to develop rationally". How will AI big models evolve? The development of artificial intelligence has gone through three waves, and the breakthrough in deep learning based on internet big data has achieved the current prosperity of artificial intelligence. In the opinion of Zeng Dajun, the deputy director of the Institute of Automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, ChatGPT system itself is not a major breakthrough in science, but a major breakthrough in the integration and use effect of technology accumulation to a certain extent, which is a milestone in engineering practice. The consensus in the industry is that the combination of super algorithms and super computing power, coupled with the coupling of super data, has finally created a miracle in engineering. The Institute of Automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences summarized the capabilities and characteristics of ChatGPT as "four connections" - smooth and natural natural language generation, coverage of general knowledge system in all fields, universal and smooth human-computer interaction of multiple natural language scenes, intention recognition and logical reasoning. In terms of effectiveness, ChatGPT has achieved a considerable level of human like reasoning

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