Summer has arrived, and there is a particular emphasis on living, eating, and exercising


With the arrival of summer, the temperature is gradually rising, and everything is showing a trend of unrestrained growth. At this point, the plants sown in spring have grown up and there is a lot of activity among insects and birds. The changes in climate phenology reflect the changes in the growth and decline of yin and yang in nature during the season - the increase of yang qi and the decrease of yin qi. Yang Qi is like a sprout in spring, and it begins to grow in the beginning of summer, reaching its peak at the summer solstice. Throughout the summer, people are full of qi and blood, their meridians are full, their skin is rosy, and their spirits are full. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the heart is a yang organ, and it is the yang in the yang system. It is the main organ in summer, seeking the same qi as the summer yang. At the same time, the heart governs the blood vessels, and the heart yang rises, warming the blood vessels, promoting the distribution of qi and blood circulation throughout the body, and coordinating the functions of various organs. This is consistent with the hot and upward outward trend in summer. But if the fire is too hot, it will cause the qi and blood to burn, and the heart qi will easily dissipate, leading to a loss of vitality. Elderly and weak patients or those with underlying diseases are prone to symptoms such as chest pain, chest tightness, palpitations, shortness of breath, irritability, and anxiety. This is related to the accelerated metabolism and increased myocardial oxygen consumption in summer, which can easily induce myocardial ischemia, leading to angina, myocardial infarction, and even heart failure. Healthy individuals on weekdays may also experience these symptoms after excessive exercise and staying up late. Therefore, summer health preservation should conform to the characteristics of strong yang qi, and pay attention to maintaining one's own yang qi in daily life, diet, exercise, and other aspects. Summer health preservation focuses on regulating one's heart. Living and sleeping at night, getting up early, avoiding the cold and avoiding the cold. After entering the beginning of summer, the sun rises early and sets late, and the day is long. It is best to follow natural laws in daily life. Delaying sleep time appropriately and getting up early is beneficial for the body to emit yang qi externally and accumulate yin qi internally. The ancients said, 'Sleeping at night and waking up early, never tired of the day.' This is to hope that people do not get tired of the heat and light of the summer day, and appropriately increase their daytime activities to increase yang qi, and have sufficient rest at night to nourish yang qi. It is best to fall asleep before 23:00 at night, when Yin Qi is at its peak and Yang Qi is weak. Ensure sufficient sleep to nourish Yang. From 11:00 to 13:00 during the day is noon, when Yang Qi is at its peak and Yin Qi is newly born. Taking a nap for half an hour can alleviate the fatigue caused by long days, allowing the body to balance Yin and Yang. This not only avoids the boredom caused by hot weather, but also effectively alleviates fatigue, nourishes the spirit, and improves efficiency. But the nap time should not be too long, otherwise it can easily cause headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and affect nighttime sleep after waking up. The temperature is high in summer, and if one is too greedy for coolness and wind in daily life, they are easily attacked by wind, cold, and dampness. Modern people often rely on air conditioning equipment, especially young people who are accustomed to turning on air conditioning too early or setting the temperature of the air conditioning too low, which can easily lead to symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, nasal congestion, runny nose, discomfort in the neck and shoulders, and the absence of symptoms such as wind cold external muscle surface and yang qi depression; If cold pathogenic factors invade the gastrointestinal tract, digestive reactions may occur, such as anorexia, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, etc; If the muscles and joints get cold, it can also cause pain in the lower back joints and muscle soreness. So special attention should be paid to not wearing too thin clothes in summer, keeping the indoor air conditioning temperature not too low, and not exposing the chest and abdomen during sleep. It is best to choose a clean, spacious, and naturally cool place to enjoy the cool, avoiding areas with a sneaky vibe such as corridors and alleys, in order to avoid getting sick due to feeling external evil. Especially in the head, back, etc., it is more susceptible to external evil invasion and damage to yang. Mild cases can lead to colds, while severe cases can lead to some "wind

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan

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