The secret to quietly outperforming others lies in sleep


Sleep is a spontaneous and reversible resting state that occurs in the cycle of higher vertebrates, characterized by a decrease in the body's responsiveness to external stimuli and a temporary interruption of consciousness. Like eating, sleep is an instinctive activity, an innate ability. At the same time, sleep is not simple, and the secret to quietly outperforming others is likely to be in this matter that most people take for granted. Children's sleep is not simple, and there is a "prime time" hidden at night. Numerous scientific experiments have shown that during the sleep cycle of children or adolescents, insufficient deep sleep or inability to enter deep sleep, that is, insufficient quality and duration of deep sleep, can affect growth hormone secretion and growth height. If a child's brain does not receive sufficient rest, it can affect normal thinking the next day and may also be prone to illness due to immune system disorders. Many parents believe that sleep is equivalent to putting their child down, with the brain and body basically stopping functioning except for the most basic breathing and heartbeat that sustain life. On the contrary, sleep is a regular multi cycle activity. Some children grow rapidly during adolescence, and sleep plays a crucial role. Medical research shows that 70% of a child's height depends on their parents' genes, and 30% depends on the day after tomorrow. Among these 30% external factors, sleep ranks first in terms of its impact on height, surpassing exercise and diet. The reason is that during sleep, especially deep sleep, the secretion of growth hormone is significantly higher than usual, which is the key hormone for children's growth and development. Regarding the secretion of sleep and growth hormone, studies have found that the secretion of growth hormone (GH) in adolescents during pre puberty and adolescence exhibits a pulse like pattern, with a higher amount and frequency of secretion at night than during the day. There are two time periods during which the secretion of growth hormone is most vigorous, namely from 21:00 to 1:00 and from 5:00 to 7:00. Missing these two time periods is equivalent to missing the golden period for children to grow taller. Children who sleep between 21:00 and 7:00 have significantly higher levels of growth hormone secretion than those who sleep between 23:00 and 8:00. It should be noted that the premise for a large secretion of growth hormone is that the child must be in a deep sleep state. Otherwise, the secretion of growth hormone will be greatly reduced, thereby affecting the child's growth rate. Sleep quality is high, and the "treasure" function is beyond imagination. Don't think that sleep is only helpful for children's "growth". Sleep quality is high, and there are many benefits. 1. Sleep is the process of restoring energy and physical strength. During deep sleep, various life activities in the human body are minimized, and the body's metabolism is maintained at a minimum basic level, resulting in reduced energy consumption. At the same time, the relevant tissues and organs in the body strengthen their synthesis and metabolism under the control of the parasympathetic nerve, increase energy production, restore physical strength, eliminate fatigue, store energy, and make the next day refreshing and energetic. 2. Sleep can improve memory. During sleep, the body rests, but the brain is actually busy working. At this moment, the brain needs to pause to receive any information input, and specialized in short-term memory information processing to form long-term memory. So, children struggle to learn a lot of new knowledge during the day, only to sleep well at night, and during the day

Edit:Guanguan    Responsible editor:Niexiaoqian

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