Why is it that you have heavy moisture? After reading, I understand


I always feel mentally drained, heavy on my body, lazy to move, and eating seems to be just for completing a task. In fact, I don't have any appetite, and I feel like I can't wake up. When I turn the bed, I can fall asleep. My stool is sticky, greasy, and not pleasant, and it's easy to hang on the toilet. Every day when I scrape my tongue, it's a thick and greasy layer... These manifestations are what traditional Chinese medicine calls "heavy dampness". Why do modern people generally prioritize "moisture"? Today, Traditional Chinese Medicine will talk to you about this topic. Why is there moisture in the body? Dampness is one of the six natural "qi" (wind, cold, heat, humidity, dryness, and fire) that normally exist in nature. It is necessary to maintain a certain level of humidity in the air in order to feel comfortable. The human body also requires a certain level of humidity, such as the skin, nose, eyes, joints, intestines, and blood vessels, which all require a certain amount of "moisture" to maintain normal function. But if this' humidity 'is too high, the human body will be uncomfortable and can cause various diseases. Traditional Chinese medicine refers to this situation as' excessive dampness' or' dampness evil '. There are two types of "dampness evil": one comes from external environments, such as living in damp places, rainy weather, working by the seaside or in water; Another type is called endogenous dampness, which is closely related to the spleen and kidney. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the spleen is responsible for transportation and digestion. All food we eat and drink needs to be digested and processed by the spleen's transportation function. Nutrient substances are utilized by the human body, and dregs and waste are discharged from the body; The transportation and transformation function of the spleen cannot be separated from the yang qi of the kidneys. Kidney yang is the fundamental yang qi of the human body, and all water and dampness must be dissipated without the transpiration and vaporization of kidney yang. Kidney is considered by traditional Chinese medicine to be the fundamental source of water and fire, and it is very important. However, modern people are often excessively consumed by various wrong lifestyles, resulting in various diseases. There are various reasons why modern people tend to have excessive humidity due to the three habits of daily life. In addition to objective factors such as humid living conditions, humid working environments, and rainy seasons, the following three points need to be taken seriously: not being exposed to the wind, not being exposed to the sun, not exercising, not sweating. The wind can blow away moisture, and the sun can evaporate dampness and evil. Unfortunately, many modern people are unwilling to be exposed to wind, rain, sun, and travel in and out by car, There are few people who enjoy various sunshades, love sports, and maintain exercise habits. They adjust the temperature to a suitable temperature throughout the year, and rarely sweat. All of these can lead to a decrease in the discharge of moisture from the body, which accumulates in the body and causes many diseases. The famous French doctor Titso once said that exercise can almost replace any medication in terms of its function, but no medication can replace the effect of exercise. We can imagine a person wearing a vest and shorts running in the warm sunlight, with a thin layer of sweat on their body and a healthy wheat color on their skin. And a person who stays at home, leaning on the bed, pulling curtains, eating takeout, holding a phone, playing games, which of these two people looks healthier? Improper diet, improper regulation, and damage to the yang of the spleen and kidney. Modern people have a high standard of living, and can eat whatever they want, whenever they want, and as much as they want. Little did they know that such dietary habits can greatly harm the spleen. Eating too much food that is too full or rich in alcohol and meat can cause negative effects on spleen circulation

Edit:Guanguan    Responsible editor:Niexiaoqian


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