The key to liver protection lies in spring. What foods are beneficial for liver protection in spring?


As the saying goes, the plan of the year lies in spring. Spring is the season for all things to flourish, and a suitable living diet is crucial for the vitality and energy of the year. At the same time, spring is also a season of frequent illnesses. Therefore, we should pay more attention to scientific diet and reasonable diet. Today, let's use two articles to educate everyone on how to eat and maintain health during this season? People often say that "spring is the appetizing season for the liver", because in spring, the temperature rises, spring rain nourishes, everything recovers, and the human body begins to enter an active state. During this period, the liver plays an important role in promoting metabolism, excreting waste, and regulating internal balance in the human body. In addition, spring also has traditional solar terms such as Qingming and Guyu. During these solar terms, people eat foods that help the liver detoxify and regulate the body, such as bitter gourds, green vegetables, tofu, barley, wheat, etc. Therefore, spring is considered the appetizing season for the liver. Today we will introduce to you how to eat the "appetizer" that satisfies the liver in spring. What nutrients does the liver need? The liver needs sufficient protein, carbohydrates, and fat to support its normal function. In addition, it also requires some key nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin B12, folic acid, iron, and selenium. Protein is an important component of liver function, which can help the liver repair and regenerate damaged cells; Carbohydrates and fats are the main energy sources of the liver, which can help maintain its normal metabolism; Vitamin A is very important for liver health because it can help the liver metabolize fat and protein; Vitamin B12 can assist the liver in producing red blood cells, helping to maintain normal liver function; Folic acid is very important for the liver to metabolize proteins and vitamins; Iron is a key mineral that helps with the production of red blood cells and the normal function of the liver; Selenium is an important antioxidant that can help reduce liver damage caused by free radicals. What foods do you often eat in spring to protect the liver? The following are some foods for nourishing and protecting the liver in spring: 1. Bitter foods: Bitter gourd, Scutellaria baicalensis, goji berries, etc. have the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying. Moderate consumption can promote bile secretion and help the liver detoxify. 2. Black fungus: Black fungus contains a large amount of iron and protein, which helps promote liver metabolism and repair. 3. Red dates: Red dates are rich in vitamin C and carotenoids, which help regulate liver function and enhance immunity. 4. Tea: Tea contains tea polyphenols, which help promote liver metabolism and detoxification. At the same time, tea also has the effect of alleviating fatigue. 5. Garlic: Garlic is rich in sulfides, which can help the liver detoxify and prevent cardiovascular diseases. 6. Porphyra: Porphyra is rich in nutrients such as vitamins B1, B2, B12, and folic acid, which can help regulate liver function and promote metabolism. In addition to the above foods, it is also beneficial for the liver to maintain a light diet and eat more fruits and vegetables in spring. Why should we eat more "bitter" to protect the liver? So, what are the nutritional principles of bitter foods for protecting the liver? Bitter foods can help protect the liver, including bitter gourds, bitter vegetables, etc. this

Edit:Niexiaoqian    Responsible editor:Guanguan


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