Open up social literacy courses to the fullest extent possible


The path of university lies not only in the transmission of knowledge, but also in the cultivation of intelligence. Recently, many universities in China have attempted to offer social literacy courses such as love courses, legal general education courses, financial literacy courses, and health literacy courses in response to some of the challenges faced by college students in their first step towards society. These courses are highly popular among college students and often face the situation of "one lesson is difficult to obtain". As some experts have said, this reflects the mindset of contemporary college students who crave comprehensive development. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposes to "accelerate the construction of a high-quality education system". To achieve high-quality education, it is necessary to combine the "moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic, and labor" five educations, teach students comprehensive knowledge, enhance their comprehensive literacy abilities, and cultivate high-quality talents that meet the needs of society. In this way, higher education not only undertakes the function of imparting theoretical knowledge and helping college students master necessary social skills, but also shoulders the sacred mission of helping students establish a correct outlook on life, talent, and career choices, and improve their comprehensive quality. Colleges and universities are the intermediate converters that transform students from "family members" to "social members". After graduation, students need to be able to support themselves and fulfill their responsibilities and obligations as social members. Schools need to carry out professional and comprehensive literacy cultivation, and social literacy courses are undoubtedly a good carrier. How to better meet students' strong demand for social knowledge courses, help them build a comprehensive skill matrix, and achieve comprehensive development, is practical and urgent. Needless to say, at present, social literacy courses in colleges and universities have not yet formed a complete and systematic curriculum system, and related courses are scattered. Part of the content design is out of demand, and the curriculum continuity is poor. In this regard, universities should deepen curriculum reform, vigorously improve the social literacy curriculum system, widely listen to students' opinions and needs, carefully design course content, and innovate teaching methods. This will help guide and cultivate students' comprehensive development, help them master necessary social life skills, and take the first step into society. At present, there have been some successful cases of social literacy courses offered by universities in various regions. These courses have been tested through practice and have been recognized by students. The teaching effect is good, but there is still room for further improvement in terms of systematicity and completeness. The author believes that the education regulatory department may design and plan a unified plan to classify social literacy courses, develop course guidance catalogs, content outlines, teaching standards, etc., for reference by universities in various regions, and independently choose to offer courses. At the same time, it is possible to include social literacy courses as compulsory courses and adopt a credit system to attract the attention of schools and students to social literacy courses. The focus of the social literacy course is to enhance the social life abilities of college students, so the course content should be closely integrated with the real society and meet the actual needs of college students. Common sense literacy courses can be categorized according to specific content, and targeted courses can be offered based on in-depth research on students' cognition and needs. Courses such as ethics, law, emotions, and health may be necessary as key courses, and relevant skills and knowledge are also necessary for students who are initially entering society. But at the same time, it is also necessary to avoid falling into the trap of shallow teaching of simple practical skills, and to have a vision, pattern, and design that goes beyond this level. Whether social literacy courses are popular and how they are taught

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan

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