How to treat and prevent influenza A (service window, scientific epidemic prevention)


Every spring is the season of high incidence of influenza A, and sporadic cases have appeared in some places recently. What is H1N1? What are the characteristics? How to treat and prevent? What should the elderly and children pay attention to? The National Health Commission organized experts to answer the questions. "Influenza A is the abbreviation of influenza A, an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by influenza A virus infection," said Wang Guiqiang, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the First Hospital of Peking University. Influenza A is mainly transmitted through airborne droplets. The main symptoms of influenza A are fever, headache, muscle and joint pain, and general discomfort. The body temperature can reach 39-40 degrees Celsius; There are also some infected people who will have swelling and pain in their nose and throat and runny nose, and some infected people will also have gastrointestinal type infection, manifested as vomiting and diarrhea; In severe cases, viral pneumonia may occur, and the elderly with basic diseases may induce the aggravation of basic diseases after infection. What is the difference between swine flu and common cold? Wang Guiqiang analyzed that influenza A belongs to influenza A virus, which is more infectious, while influenza is caused by other viruses, such as rhinovirus and adenovirus, which is less infectious. The symptoms of H1N1 flu are more severe and the course of disease is longer, while the symptoms of cold are generally lighter and the course of disease is shorter. It can be cured in three or five days. From the perspective of treatment methods, antiviral drugs can be used to treat influenza A, and antiviral treatment is generally not required to treat colds. symptomatic treatment, drinking more water and paying attention to rest can recover. From the perspective of prognosis and complications, H1N1 is more harmful, such as pneumonia, aggravation of underlying diseases, cardio-cerebrovascular diseases, etc., while colds do not have complications. Some people have severe symptoms after being infected with H1N1. Is it normal? Wang Guiqiang analyzed that in the past, there will be an epidemic of influenza every year. Many people have been infected and have some immunity. Later, the symptoms will be light after re-infection. After infection with influenza, the body will produce antibodies in a short time to form a certain immune barrier. In the past three years since the COVID-19, most people have done a good job of protection. They have not been infected with swine flu, and they are all susceptible to swine flu. When do I need to see a doctor after I am infected with H1N1? Tong Zhaohui, deputy director of Beijing Chaoyang Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University and director of Beijing Institute of Respiratory Diseases, reminded that if the body temperature exceeds 39 degrees Celsius, systemic symptoms are relatively serious, such as fever, soreness and discomfort, and even coughing, shortness of breath, etc., should be treated promptly. Children, especially infants, should be highly valued by parents. Wang Quan, director of emergency department of Beijing Children's Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, said that for children, the main symptom of influenza is respiratory tract infection. But compared with adults, children are vulnerable to influenza, especially children under 2 years old. If the child has a fever for more than 3 days and a temperature of more than 40 degrees Celsius, and has difficulty breathing, pale face, convulsion, mental depression, or dehydration symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, decreased urine volume, and no tears when crying, he should go to the hospital in time. "Antiviral drugs should be used under the guidance of doctors." Wang Guiqiang said that infected people with severe symptoms, elderly people with severe high risk and people with basic diseases can use antiviral drugs. Antiviral drugs should be used as early as possible, with the best effect within 48 hours. The overall safety of antiviral drugs is very good

Edit:Ying Ying    Responsible editor:Shen Chen

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