American scientists: Organ-like intelligence or beyond artificial intelligence


Artificial intelligence technology is in the ascendant, and researchers have begun to explore more potential organoid intelligence technology (OI). One of the prospects is the biological computer driven by human brain cells. It sounds like science fiction, but it may not be far away from us. It is expected to reshape the future of modern computers and open up new research fields. According to CNN's report on the 2nd, researchers at Johns Hopkins University in the United States are conducting research on organoid intelligence technology based on brain-like organs cultivated in the laboratory. They introduced their research ideas and progress in the latest academic journal Science Frontier. Researchers at Johns Hopkins University have tried to cultivate brain-like organs since 2012. They extracted cells from human skin tissue and transformed them into a structure similar to embryonic stem cells for culturing brain-like organs. Brain-like organs are only the size of the pen tip, each containing about 50000 cells, which is equivalent to the number of cells in the nervous system of a fruit fly. With neurons, brain-like organs may have basic functions such as learning and memory. In a statement issued by Johns Hopkins University, Thomas Harton, the main researcher, said that using brain-like organs to carry out research can avoid many ethical problems faced by using the human brain for research, and open a new situation for the study of the working mechanism of the human brain. Hartong and his colleagues conceived that with brain-like organs as "hardware", it is expected to develop a "biological computer" that is more energy efficient than supercomputers. Hartong believes that although the contemporary technological revolution is driven by computer and artificial intelligence technology, its development has been "close to the ceiling". Since the advent of which computer is stronger than the human brain, the question of which is stronger has emerged. In terms of the ability to process large amounts of data quickly, computers seem to far surpass human brains. Taking AlphaGo as an example, this AI Go software has "easily learned" 160000 chess games, and it takes 175 years for a person to complete the same amount of training even if he studies five hours a day. However, when it comes to complex logical problems, such as distinguishing between cats and dogs, the human brain wins easily. In terms of energy efficiency, the human brain also performs better. The supercomputer "frontier" developed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory under the US Department of Energy costs US $600 million, weighs 3629 kg, and each cabinet weighs equivalent to two pickups. Harton said that the computing power of this computer exceeded that of a single person's brain for the first time until last June, but the energy consumption was 1 million times that of the human brain. It can be seen that "modern computers still cannot compare with human brains". The human brain is extremely capable of storing information, with an estimated capacity of 2500 trillion bytes of information. At the same time, the storage capacity of computers has approached the limit, and it is difficult to add more transistors on tiny chips with existing technology. The research has just started, so researchers hope on biological computer and organoid intelligence technology. Hartong defines Organ-like intelligence technology as "reproducing cognitive functions such as learning and sensory processing in the human-like brain model cultivated in the laboratory". He said that the brain-like organs that can be cultivated at present are "too small" for the development of organ-like intelligence technology

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