When the vernal equinox comes, you want to replenish qi and nourish the kidney without disturbing diseases? Eat more of these four foods every day!


The vernal equinox is coming. It is the fourth of the 24 solar terms. At this time, the temperature rises faster and the amount of rain increases significantly. This environment is very suitable for the propagation and transmission of some bacteria and viruses. Many people will experience some physical discomfort after entering the vernal equinox. Therefore, at this time, we must pay attention to the maintenance of the body, especially the maintenance of the kidney. In addition to living and recuperating well in daily life, we should also do a good job in food conditioning. Try not to eat foods that are too greasy, spicy and high in salt, which will cause a great burden on the kidney. In addition, you can also eat more foods that have the effect of tonifying the qi and nourishing the kidney. Let's have a look! Which foods have the effect of nourishing qi and kidney? 1、 Lycium barbarum bud Lycium barbarum bud is the tender bud of Lycium barbarum in spring. It has a series of effects such as detoxification, heat clearing, diuresis, eye brightening, kidney and liver tonifying, spleen and stomach nourishing. Lycium barbarum bud contains many nutrients, including carotene, betaine, linoleic acid, amino acid, vitamins, catechins, flavonoids, polyphenols and other nutrients. These nutrients have very strong antioxidant effects. It can not only improve the immune function of human body, but also has very good maintenance effect on liver and kidney. In particular, poor vision, low back pain and ejaculation, dizziness and thirst caused by insufficient kidney gas have a better effect on improvement. 2、 Black beans and black beans are rich in nutrients, especially various vitamins, melanin, vitellin and unsaturated fatty acids, soybean saponins, cardiac glycosides and other trace elements. These nutrients have a series of functions such as nourishing blood and kidney, clearing heat and detoxifying, promoting blood circulation and diuresis. Especially because of the decline of renal function, resulting in edema and fullness, as well as a series of phenomena such as short red urine and jaundice, which has a very good effect on improvement. After the vernal equinox solar term, if there are a series of kidney deficiency symptoms, such as waist and leg pain, waist and knee soreness, you can eat some black beans appropriately, which can play a very good role in nourishing qi and blood and strengthening the spleen and kidney. 3、 Chestnuts and chestnuts are rich in various amino acids, inorganic salts, proteins, carotene and riboflavin, which can play a very good role in nourishing qi, blood, kidney, spleen and stomach. It can improve the low back pain caused by the decline of kidney function, and also activate the meridians, strengthen the muscles and bones. In addition, it also has a very good prevention and treatment effect on the aphthous sores caused by fire in spring. 4、 After the river shrimp enters the spring equinox season, you must eat some river shrimp properly every day. The meat of river shrimp is very delicate, and the taste is very delicious. It also contains rich nutrients, which can play the role of tonifying the kidney and fortifying the yang. Especially for the symptoms of waist and leg pain, white hair, urgency to urinate, pain in urination, frequent urination, and waist and knee soreness caused by kidney deficiency, it has a better improvement effect. Moreover, it also has a very good conditioning effect on the mental depression and limb weakness caused by kidney yang deficiency. In addition, the magnesium element

Edit:Ying Ying    Responsible editor:Shen Chen


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