National Ear Day: Tinnitus is a "warning signal" sent by the body. Long-term tinnitus requires timely medical treatment


"Tinnitus is a kind of 'alarm signal' sent by the body. It reminds the brain that the body may have discomfort and needs to be adjusted in time." On March 3, when the "National Ear Day" came, Xinhuanet interviewed Ma Xiaobo, the chief otologist of Beijing Tongren Hospital. He said that the causes of tinnitus are many and complex. To improve tinnitus, we need to find the cause and treat it, Can better prevent and cure tinnitus. Ma Xiaobo said that tinnitus related to the ear itself can be divided into the following categories according to the location of the lesion in the auditory pathway: external ear tinnitus, such as cerumen embolism in the ear canal and foreign body in the ear canal; Middle ear tinnitus, such as secretory otitis media, middle ear cholesteatoma, and otosclerosis; Inner ear tinnitus, such as Meniere's disease and noise-induced deafness; Nervous tinnitus, such as acoustic neuroma and vascular compression of auditory nerve; Central tinnitus, such as cerebral blood supply disorder, craniocerebral trauma, etc. Differential diagnosis is needed during treatment. In addition, in addition to the diseases of the ear itself, other diseases of the whole body, even changes in mental mood, may cause tinnitus. So tinnitus can be regarded as a "warning signal" sent by the body. When a certain function of the body is out of balance, the ear will send out tinnitus signals. When this function is adjusted, the tinnitus signals will gradually disappear. According to the introduction, tinnitus can be divided into subjective tinnitus and objective tinnitus according to whether it can be perceived or recorded by people other than patients. Subjective tinnitus is more common in clinic, that is, self-perception is loud, others can't feel it, such as sensorineural tinnitus and central tinnitus. Objectively tinnitus is what you feel, and doctors can also hear it through some auxiliary means. It is often related to vascular abnormalities and muscle spasms around the ear, which is relatively rare in clinical practice. "The incidence rate of tinnitus is relatively high. Statistics show that people will experience tinnitus more or less in their whole life." Ma Xiaobo stressed that for transient tinnitus, we should not be too nervous, and we should pay attention to adjusting our lifestyle, relaxing our mood and avoiding fatigue. If tinnitus lasts for several days and cannot subside, accompanied by hearing loss or dizziness, you need to seek medical attention in time. As for the treatment of tinnitus, Ma Xiaobo said, "Because there are many reasons for tinnitus, we should first find the cause of tinnitus, ask the patient's medical history in detail, and conduct medical examination of the ear and even the whole body. We should treat the underlying cause of tinnitus, and then improve or cure tinnitus, It is mainly related to the mental state or life state of the patient. If there is sleep disorder, the human brain will produce some "garbage proteins" every day, which will be effectively cleaned up during deep sleep. Without high-quality sleep, these "garbage proteins" will gradually deposit in the brain, leading to tinnitus. In daily life, for ear health care, Ma Xiaobo suggested: first, maintain a healthy lifestyle, do not stay up late, do not overwork, and overcome tension and anxiety; Second, if there are acute deafness, tinnitus and other symptoms, you need to go to the hospital in time. It can generally be recovered through timely treatment. If acute tinnitus is not treated in time

Edit:Ying Ying    Responsible editor:Zhou Shu

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