Guangdong traditional cultural performance has found a new stage in the live broadcast room for "breaking the circle" of Cantonese opera and English songs


Folk music anchor Luo Hongjun. The interviewees provided pictures during the Spring Festival in 2023. The characteristic ethnic groups and national intangible cultural heritage of Chaoshan became popular on the Internet. The live broadcast room is letting the traditional cultural performance originally limited to regional customs go out of the country. According to the 2023 Tiktok Live Performance Data Report · Guangdong Chapter released by Tiktok Live on the 28th, the number of live performances in Guangdong has reached 2.39 million in the past year, up 78% year on year. Among them, the number of traditional cultural performances increased significantly. The data shows that the number of live broadcasts of Guangdong opera has increased by 115%, twice the number of live broadcasts of Chinese opera. Luo Hongjun performed live. According to the photo report provided by the interviewees, in the Tiktok studio, the most popular live broadcast of Guangdong traditional art for non local audiences is Cantonese Opera, Yingge, and Xingshi. It is reported that this kind of live broadcast of performing arts with Guangdong regional characteristics has received millions of viewers from outside the province@ Wu Peijin (white character play clown), @ Xingshu puppet show and other anchors moved the national intangible heritage white character play and Gaozhou puppet show into the live broadcast room, giving endangered art a new stage for inheritance. Chen Junmin, a young actor of Guangzhou Cantonese Opera Theater and the anchor of Tiktok Opera, said that in the past, opera performances have always faced the problem of older audiences. In 2020, he began to try live broadcasting and build a "ladder" for audiences to understand Cantonese opera in ways familiar to young people, such as Cantonese opera and Cantonese New Year song. At present, his studio has attracted more than 180000 fans. "I can see a lot of young faces in my offline performance now, which is also the most fulfilling thing in the process of doing live broadcast," said Chen Junmin. Little actors of Cantonese opera perform. It is worth noting that, in addition to the increase in the number of performances, the reward revenue of live performance in Guangdong has increased by 34% in the past year, with more than 80000 talent anchors earning income. Among them, the revenue from live broadcast of folk music increased by 80%, and the revenue from live broadcast of opera increased by 126%, both of which were far above the average. Luo Hongjun, a 67 year old anchor of Tiktok folk music, was one of the first street performers in Shenzhen to pass the exam and work with certificates. Since 2015, he has performed at a fixed location in Shenzhen Citizen Center Square. Rewards from audience passing by are his main source of income. In June 2020, he put the piano stand in the live broadcast room. Since then, the live broadcast room has become a "digital street", with online audiences from all over the world. The reward income of Luo Hongjun's live broadcast room soon equaled that of the outdoor exhibition. Guangdong Chaoshan women's English dance. In the data picture, Chen Chuhong, the head of the first group of Guangdong Guangdong Opera Theater, Wen Ruqing, believed that in the live broadcast room, the audience and actors can have multiple times of offline interaction. This has effectively stimulated the interest of the audience and further helped the traditional cultural performance enter the public's view. "It is a wonderful chemical reaction". (Outlook New Era)

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan

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