Regulate the liver and regulate the spleen at the right time (TCM regimen)


Spring is the time when Yang Qi is generated and liver Qi is vigorous. According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the liver wood overcomes the spleen soil, and excessive liver qi can easily damage the spleen and stomach. At the same time, with the increase of rainfall, the evil of cold and dampness is also easy to cause damage to the spleen and stomach. Therefore, the focus of health preservation during the Spring Festival is "to strengthen the spleen and stomach to prevent dampness stagnation, and to regulate the liver and wood to help rise". In terms of diet, it is advisable to "save acid and increase sweetness to nourish the spleen", reduce the intake of sour food, and appropriately increase the intake of sweet food to improve the spleen and stomach. You can eat more red dates, bean sprouts, bean sprouts, thicket, yams, carrots, garland chrysanthemum, celery, pumpkin, agaric, loofah, grapefruit, sugar cane, honey, etc. At the same time, some vegetables and seasonings with pungent smell can be appropriately selected as seasonings, such as leek, scallion, coriander (coriander), fennel, spring amomum villosum, grass fruit, orange peel, etc. On the one hand, the delicious food can be increased by reasonable matching with the ingredients, and on the other hand, the pungent flavor can play the role of invigorating the spleen and helping the transportation, dredging and promoting the hair, as well as the role of pungent dispersing evil. For those who have poor liver qi, are usually prone to anger or often feel depressed, you can choose rose, acacia, jasmine and other water as tea drinks to regulate qi and relieve liver depression. For people who usually have spleen deficiency and heavy dampness, they should focus on light, mild and digestible diet, and avoid eating raw, cold, fat and sweet food. At the same time, some ingredients and seasonings that can strengthen the spleen and stomach and moderate the humidity should be properly selected for dietary conditioning, such as Hericium erinaceus, lotus seeds, Huaishan, Five-finger peach, ginger, etc. Hot porridge should be eaten to avoid cold and damp. Dihuang porridge, Fangfeng porridge, perilla porridge, etc. are best eaten in rainy season. In addition, we should eat more vegetables and fruits to replenish the body's moisture, properly eat Chinese toon, lily, pea seedlings, garland garland, shepherd's purse, spring shoots, yam, lotus root, taro, radish, water chestnut, sugar cane, etc., and avoid mutton and other foods. Proper exercise helps to strengthen the body and reduce disease. However, morning exercise for the elderly should not be carried out too early. It should be carried out in a cool and dry place in the warm day. It is better to take exercises such as walking, Taijiquan, Taijijian, Baduanjin, and gentle exercise. The appropriate amount of exercise is to sweat slightly, which is conducive to the movement of Qi and blood from the body to the skin and limbs, and conforms to the gas of spring. Walking can nourish the mind, relax the muscles, and digest food, especially for the elderly and weak, with weak spleen and stomach functions. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:Ying Ying    Responsible editor:Jia Jia

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