To break the examination-oriented sports must promote the process and value-added evaluation


Since last week, primary and secondary schools at all levels across the country have begun to study. How to take this year's high school physical education examination has also attracted the attention of parents and students. Recently, a number of cities in Guizhou Province announced the cancellation of the men's 1000-meter race and women's 800-meter race in this year's sports examination. The Department of Education of Guangdong Province also issued a notice on February 10 to adjust the male students' 1000m and female students' 800m from the compulsory items of the middle school sports examination to the optional items. It is reported that Shaanxi, Henan, Sichuan and other places are also studying whether to adjust the content of this year's sports middle school examination. The public opinion generally praised the adjustment of the sports items in the secondary school entrance examination according to the time and situation. However, physical education teachers and experts also worry that with the cancellation of the 1000-meter and 800-meter running events in the middle school entrance examination, students will lose the strongest motivation to participate in long-distance running exercises. A physical education teacher said that the physical fitness of young students in China has been declining for many years in a row. School physical education should not stop eating because of choking, but should be dealt with scientifically and find solutions to the problem. "No test, no run" to a certain extent shows that the inclusion of sports in the middle school entrance examination does not really make students and parents pay attention to sports and cultivate students' interests and habits in sports, but treat them with examination-oriented thinking. To cancel the unified test of the middle school physical education examination or adjust the items of the middle school physical education examination is not to cancel the physical education class or physical exercise, which is the basic common sense. However, in reality, the cancellation of long-distance running in the middle school entrance examination of physical education turns into students not participating in relevant exercises, which precisely reflects the drawbacks of examination-oriented sports. There is no unified test for the middle school entrance examination of physical education. Students should pay equal attention to the normal physical education classes and actively participate in physical training. The process evaluation should be promoted in physical education. The purpose of incorporating sports into the middle school entrance examination is to promote schools, students and parents to attach importance to sports. However, if the result of the unified test is taken as the result of the middle school physical examination, or the result of the unified test accounts for a large proportion in the result of the middle school physical examination, there will be a tendency for schools and students to carry out targeted training around the test items of the middle school physical examination. This is not only conducive to cultivating students' interest in sports and improving their physique, but also causes many problems. For example, in the first and second days of junior high school, they did not pay attention to physical training, and only did they rush to training in the third day of junior high school, and even reported to the off-campus sports training class to "raise scores", which would increase sports injuries, and also be questioned to increase the burden of students and parents' anxiety. To cancel or adjust the unified test of this year's high school entrance examination, in addition to considering that students after "Yangkang" are not suitable for high-intensity sports, or also include consideration of the current examination-oriented sports tendency. In order to make schools and students really attach importance to sports, we must break the exam-oriented thinking. First of all, it should be emphasized that education should be governed by law. Local education departments should not assess the quality of school running and teacher education and teaching by the rate of enrollment, but should assess whether the school has fully opened all compulsory education courses. At present, some local education departments, knowing that the school has not opened enough physical education classes, have opened one eye and closed one eye, acquiesced in and connived at the school to respond to the middle school physical education examination in the exam-oriented way, which must be corrected. Secondly, we should promote the process evaluation of physical education, that is, pay attention to the performance of students in physical education classes and physical exercises. Considering the individual differences of students, the test of competitive sports should not be used for student sports

Edit:sishi    Responsible editor:xingyong


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