There is science behind decompressing short videos for three sources of pressure


It's hard to imagine that young people who can't sleep at 3 am are enjoying watching short videos such as "squeeze acne" and "scrape soap", and they all say they are very decompressed. A short video platform "decompressed" related videos with a cumulative playback volume of more than 94 billion times. This can't help but make people confused: can such a monotonous and even boring short video really be decompressed? What is its decompression principle? If you observe carefully, you will find that the popular decompression video can not escape these three types: first, the destruction type, such as squeezing acne and kneading instant noodles; The second is order, such as repairing donkey hooves and cleaning rooms; Third, slow life, such as fire burning and pet daily life. Why do these three kinds of short videos have decompression effects? To answer this question, we must understand how human pressure comes from. Richard Lazarus, an American psychologist, put forward a three-factor model of stress. He pointed out that when a stimulus event breaks the balance and load capacity of an individual and exceeds the individual's tolerance, stress will occur. Lazarus's stress model includes three factors: stressors, coping ability and stress response. The stressors refer to various external or internal stimuli, such as workload, interpersonal tension, self-demanding, etc. Coping ability refers to individual coping strategies and how individuals process and deal with pressure. Stress reactions are reflected in physical reactions (such as stomachache), behavioral reactions (such as buying and selling), and emotional reactions (such as irritability and crying). When a person has too many stressors and insufficient coping ability, he will show stress reactions such as physical and mental tension, emotional behavior disorder, etc. Therefore, if you want to reduce pressure scientifically, you need to start with these three factors. In addition to helping people vent their emotions, destruction videos also have deeper psychological implications. When people have too many stressors, such as economic pressure and interpersonal tension, these stressors are like mountains on individuals, making them feel nervous, depressed and angry. So many stressors can't escape, what should we do? Just destroy them. If there is no pressure source, there will be no pressure? Destroying videos can decompress by expressing the subconscious desire to destroy the source of stress. Both the psychology of traditional Chinese culture and modern psychology have proposed that the external world is the representation of the internal world. The destruction video, which appears to be boring to destroy all kinds of small objects, actually reflects people's subconscious desire to destroy and relieve the source of stress. The principle of order short video decompression corresponds to the second factor of the stress model: coping ability. Why do you like to watch videos where the room is clean and the floor tiles are laid neatly? Because this kind of video can give people a sense of control. As long as a simple action is sent, immediate result feedback can be obtained. This sense of control gives people a sense of "I have the ability to cope with". Psychological experiments show that sense of control plays a very important role in relieving stress. There is a classic sense of control experiment: researchers came to a nursing home and randomly divided the elderly in the nursing home into groups A and B. The two groups of elderly people have the same standards of care and diet, but their sense of control experience is different. Among them, the elderly in group A can

Edit:Li Ling    Responsible editor:Chen Jie

Source:Science and Technology Daily

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