Medical resources are delivered to the people's health is guaranteed


After a cold wave, Luo Yongfeng, 87, of Huangxi Village, Huangdao Dong Township, Wanshan District, Tongren City, Guizhou Province, suddenly coughed badly. Zhang Julian, the village doctor, was not sure, and dialed Wang Guoyong, the vice president of Huangdao Township Health Center. As the Baobao doctor in Huangxi Village, Wang Guoyong immediately carried the diagnosis box on his back and went straight to Huangxi Village after receiving the call for help. After measuring fingertip blood oxygen, blood pressure, heart and lung auscultation, and a series of instrument checks, Wang Guoyong diagnosed that the old man's bronchitis had recurred, and prescribed symptomatic drugs for the old man on the spot. At present, the Huangdao Township Health Center has sent a total of 10 insured doctors to achieve full coverage of 10 administrative villages. "In addition to online consultation, we will also go to the village for home visits, and carry out follow-up visits for key personnel at least three times a week, and for inpatient rehabilitation personnel once a week." Wang Guoyong said that while providing basic medical services for the villagers, they also need to help home-based therapists monitor the condition, and timely find and refer patients with severe tendency. It is reported that Guizhou has carried out the "ten million" five-level medical personnel of provinces, cities, counties and villages in the province to strengthen their ability to enter the grass-roots level. It has selected hundreds of medical experts from the third-level public hospitals to provide remote guidance to the county-level hospitals, and thousands of medical personnel from the county-level public hospitals at or above the county level to provide on-site guidance and itinerant medical care to the township health centers. Ten thousand medical personnel from the two levels of villages have entered the villages and households to provide health guidance to the key groups. Xiong Ming, director of Tongren Municipal Health Bureau, introduced that Tongren City promoted the construction of fever clinics in primary medical and health institutions in accordance with the principle of opening as much as possible and setting up as many as possible, realizing the full coverage of 178 government-run primary medical and health institutions in the city. The city set up 2534 convenient fever clinics at the village level, equipped with 2576 medical personnel, and made every effort to ensure the medical needs of the grassroots people. Especially in rural areas where residents are relatively scattered and medical resources are relatively scarce, Tongren City gives full play to the role of the county medical community, with 534 medical personnel stationed at the county level and 2464 medical personnel stationed at the village level in the township health centers, and implements the piecemeal contracting mechanism and grid management, so that medical personnel specialized in respiration, infection, and traditional Chinese medicine can sink to the countryside, and do a good job in the diagnosis and treatment of fever patients, medication, and severe identification and treatment, Timely deliver the diagnosis and treatment services to the people's "doorstep". (Looking forward to the new era)

Edit:Sun Hongli    Responsible editor:Tang Yuanqi


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