How to recuperate tumor patients after "Yangkang"


Tumor patients have low resistance, and are more worried after "Yang Kang". How should they recuperate after "Yang Kang"? On January 16, Chen Yan, deputy director and chief physician of the Department of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine of Jiangsu Provincial Cancer Hospital (Affiliated Cancer Hospital of Nanjing Medical University), proposed to recruit cancer patients and suggest them to take targeted care. Chen Yan said that to alleviate COVID-19's symptoms, Chinese patent medicines can be used for treatment, They can all reduce fever. "But there is one thing that needs to be noted by patients. The use of traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions requires high requirements for syndrome differentiation and requires the guidance of professional Chinese medicine doctors," said Chen Yan. How to recuperate tumor patients who are "yang" during radiotherapy? Chen Yan said that traditional Chinese medicine believes that radiotherapy is a thermal treatment scheme. Thermal treatment is usually easy to damage the normal body fluid metabolism of the human body, especially the radiotherapy patients with head and neck tumors, which are prone to dry mouth, bitter mouth and other symptoms, and even some patients can not perform normal saliva secretion. In addition, the thermal treatment scheme will also consume gas while killing tumor tissue. If the patient is "positive" during radiotherapy, he will feel more tired than normal people. She suggested that tumor patients generally show the syndrome characteristics of deficiency of both qi and yin during radiotherapy, and can be recuperated by combining internal and external treatment. In the internal treatment, the prescription of supplementing qi and nourishing yin can be used, and spicy and stimulating food should be avoided as far as possible in order to avoid aggravating the damage of qi and yin. "Dietary remedies also have certain effects, such as the consumption of American ginseng duck soup, wolfberry turtle soup, etc., which can have the effect of supplementing qi and nourishing yin; in the aspect of external treatment, you can massage or acupuncture at Zusanli, Sanyinjiao, Xuehai, Hegu and other acupoints that regulate qi and blood," said Chen Yan. After "Yangkang", how to recuperate different tumor patients? Chen Yan suggested that different cancer patients should be nursed with the help of professional doctors. After "Yangkang", patients with lung cancer should pay attention to their lung function and take traditional Chinese medicine for invigorating lung qi to help recover lung function; Patients with digestive system tumors take traditional Chinese medicine that is beneficial to the spleen and stomach. Chen Yan introduced that COVID-19 also has an impact on the nervous system, so cancer patients who use paclitaxel and platinum drugs should pay special attention to the prevention of neurotoxicity during chemotherapy after "Yangkang"; For the patients who use immunotherapy, because the immune drugs themselves may cause immune pneumonia and immune myocarditis, it is necessary to evaluate the cardiopulmonary function before using the immune drugs again after "Yangkang", use the drugs according to the evaluation results, and if necessary, postpone the use of drugs, while taking traditional Chinese medicine for anti-tumor treatment. "Traditional Chinese medicine treatment is an important means to recover the state of the body after 'Yang Kang', but a good rest is always the first thing for cancer patients," said Chen Yan. (Outlook New Era)

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan


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