In 2021, the total investment in education will exceed 5.78 trillion yuan, an increase of 9.13% over the previous year, and achieve "no less than 4%" for ten consecutive years


Recently, the Ministry of Education, the National Bureau of Statistics and the Ministry of Finance released the Statistical Announcement on the Implementation of National Education Funds in 2021. The Announcement shows that in 2021, the total investment in education will be 5787.367 billion yuan, an increase of 9.13% over the previous year. Among them, the national financial education funds (mainly including the education funds arranged in the general public budget, the education funds arranged in the government fund budget, the enterprise allocations in the state-owned and state-controlled enterprises' running schools, and the funds used for education from the school run industries and social service revenues) were 4583.531 billion yuan, an increase of 6.82% over the previous year, accounting for 4.01% of GDP, and achieving "no less than 4%" for ten consecutive years. In terms of general public budget education funds, the national general public budget education funds (including education fees, infrastructure funds and education surcharges) in 2021 will be 3746.336 billion yuan, an increase of 5.17% over the previous year on the same caliber. Among them, the central government spent 561.2 billion yuan on education, an increase of 3.66% over the previous year. In terms of the growth of general public budget education funds per student at all levels, the national average general public budget education funds based on the number of students in school will be 15356.59 yuan in 2021, an increase of 2.35% over the previous year on the same caliber. The value of kindergartens nationwide was 9505.84 yuan, an increase of 4.68% over the previous year. The national average for ordinary primary schools was 12380.73 yuan, an increase of 2.22% over the previous year. The national average for junior middle schools was 17772.06 yuan, an increase of 1.74% over the previous year. The national average for senior high schools was 18808.71 yuan, an increase of 2.95% over the previous year. The national secondary vocational schools reached 17095.26 yuan, an increase of 0.58% over the previous year. The national average for ordinary colleges and universities was 22586.42 yuan, an increase of 1.65% over the previous year. In 2021, the average expenditure on general public budget education for education students at all levels increased to 9029.65 yuan, an increase of 4.45% over the previous year. The national average for ordinary primary schools was 11841.80 yuan, an increase of 1.61% over the previous year. The national average junior high school was 16790.89 yuan, up 0.95% over the previous year. The national average for senior high schools was 17236.78 yuan, an increase of 0.29% over the previous year. The national secondary vocational schools reached 15898.62 yuan, an increase of 1.75% over the previous year. The amount of ordinary colleges and universities nationwide was 20990.88 yuan, up 0.34% over the previous year. In 2021, the growth of public expenditure in the general public budget of all levels of education students was 3224.93 yuan, an increase of 5.73% over the previous year. The national average for ordinary primary schools was 2855.13 yuan, a decrease of 0.64% over the previous year. The national average junior middle school was 4203.76 yuan, up 0.48% over the previous year. The national average for senior high schools was 4276.76 yuan, a decrease of 0.66% over the previous year. The national secondary vocational schools reached 5866.20 yuan, an increase of 6.86% over the previous year. The number of ordinary colleges and universities nationwide was 8440.47 yuan, up 3.95% over the previous year. In addition

Edit:wangwenting    Responsible editor:xiaomai


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