It's time to keep healthy in winter


Traditional medicine believes that the nature has the law of "spring birth, summer growth, autumn harvest, and winter Tibet". Human beings are corresponding to nature, and should also conform to the laws and characteristics of the four seasonal climate changes in health preservation. Winter is the best time to maintain and save all the year round. Since ancient times, China has had the custom of replenishing in winter. In winter, people's digestion and absorption functions are relatively enhanced. Proper supplementation can not only improve the disease resistance of the body, but also nourish the body and lay a foundation for health in the coming year. In winter, you should not only consider the differences between regions, but also know your own constitution. It is cold in winter in the north, so it is better to choose warm and hot food for tonic, such as beef, mutton, etc; The temperature in the south is relatively high, so we should mainly take flat supplement, and take in chicken, duck, fish, etc; The rainfall in the plateau area is small and the climate is dry, so people should eat more sweet and moist food; If the weather continues to be dry, you should also add crystal sugar, lily, etc. when nourishing to prevent your body from getting angry. According to different individual constitutions, diet and recuperation should also be differentiated. People with yin deficiency constitution can appropriately eat more soft and sweet foods such as soybean milk, eggs, fish, honey, yam, radish, milk, etc; People with yang deficiency constitution can appropriately eat warm, ripe and soft foods such as pumpkins, leeks and dates. In winter, indoor heating starts in the north. It is cold outside and warm inside. The temperature difference is large. Pay attention to increasing indoor humidity and eating more fresh vegetables and fruits. This is also a time of high incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. It is appropriate to eat more foods that protect cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, such as salvia miltiorrhiza, hawthorn, black fungus, tomato, celery, red radish, etc. In addition, it is also advisable to eat more food that can reduce blood fat, such as balsam pear, corn, buckwheat, carrots, etc. On the winter solstice, there is a rich food culture everywhere. In the north, there are customs such as eating dumplings and instant boiled mutton on the winter solstice, while in the south of the Yangtze River, eating tangyuan on the winter solstice is the most popular. There is also a folk saying that "eating tangyuan is one year old". In addition, there are also customs of eating wonton, maci, red bean and glutinous rice, leiyuan and other foods in the southern region during the winter solstice. Most of these foods are rich in protein, carbohydrate and fat, and have the effect of nourishing qi and activating blood circulation, warming the body and keeping it warm. Proper intake can provide more energy for people to keep cold in winter. In addition to diet, you can also exercise properly, stretch muscles and bones, dredge qi and blood, and thus enhance immunity. (Outlook New Times)

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan


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