Repeated or overdose medication or liver failure


On December 9, the pharmacist team of the Pharmacy Department of Tongji Hospital affiliated to Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology reminded that when COVID-19 patients are at home, they should never "rush to the doctor". When taking antipyretic drugs and cold drugs together, they should be alert to repeated use of drugs, excessive dosage or excessive use of drugs, and at the same time, avoid the interaction between certain food and drugs. Recently, the home self-management guideline for epidemic prevention of COVID-19 was released, and the list of recommended drugs includes antipyretics, painkillers, compound cold medicines, cough medicines, etc. According to the characteristics of Omikjon's symptoms, fever, headache, muscle pain, cough and other symptoms will appear, similar to a cold. Li Juan, deputy director of the pharmaceutical department of Tongji Hospital, introduced that acetaminophen and ibuprofen are currently recommended drugs for antipyretic and analgesic, which can be used for fever caused by common cold or influenza, and also for relieving mild and moderate pain symptoms, such as headache, arthralgia, muscle pain, etc. However, when using these antipyretic drugs, we must pay attention not to use them at the same time. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen belong to the same class of antipyretic and analgesic drugs, and the simultaneous use may lead to acute liver failure. There have been many cases of liver injury related to excessive use of such drugs. It has been reported that the patient died of liver failure due to excessive use of cold antipyretic drugs. In addition to not using antipyretic drugs at the same time, it should also be noted that antipyretic drugs should not be used together with common cold medicines such as Tylenol, Baijiahei, or with some traditional Chinese cold medicines. The commonly used compound cold medicines often contain acetaminophen, such as paediatric paracetamol huang na min granules, phen ma mei min tablets, paracetamol ma mei dry suspension, etc. Some Chinese patent medicines, such as ganmao ling granules, sugankang, Qiangli ganmao tablets, also contain paracetamol. Therefore, before taking cold medicine, it is necessary to carefully check the drug instructions, check the drug ingredients, and avoid taking drugs containing acetaminophen at the same time, which may lead to overdose or accumulation of drugs, thus leading to toxic side effects. Avoid overdose. Some patients may take medicine beyond the recommended dosage during home treatment, which is absolutely not advisable. Excessive drugs can not only relieve symptoms and accelerate recovery, but also lead to more toxic side effects. For example, excessive acetaminophen can lead to acute liver failure; Excessive dextromethorphan for the treatment of dry cough may cause confusion, excitement, tension, irritability, confusion, etc. In children, excessive dextromethorphan may cause a series of symptoms such as drowsiness, tension, nausea, vomiting, etc. Avoid excessive use. Drugs have different onset time and half-life, and should be taken at intervals strictly according to drug characteristics. In particular, antipyretic drugs should not be used repeatedly because of high fever. Do not use acetaminophen and ibuprofen more than 4 times a day. When using ibuprofen to reduce fever, pay attention to the interval of 6 hours each time, and do not use it more than 4 times a day. Acetaminophen is used to reduce fever. If the fever or pain lasts, it can be repeatedly used once every 4-6 hours, and no more than 4 times a day. Avoid food and drug interactions. Alcohol can increase the central inhibitory effect of dextromethorphan. Drinking alcohol during taking acetaminophen will damage the liver. Therefore, alcohol or alcoholic beverages should be avoided during taking such drugs. Drinking or smoking may also increase while taking ibuprofen

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan


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